Title: Over a scoop of Ice-cream (One Shot)
Pairings: kid!Hanchul
Rating: G
Genre: fluff
Summary: the fight about ice-cream flavours.
“Hankyung! Hankyung! Let’s go play basketball!” There was a shout from the door. Hankyung scrambled from his bed to where the source of the voice was coming from. There stood Heechul grinning, with a missing front tooth that could be noticed easily whenever he smiled, and a basketball in his little hands.
“But I’m trying to finish my book…” Hankyung said as he pointed to the book in his hand.
“Oh come on! Only for an hour! Please please please….” Heechul pleaded.
“I… But…. Fine, fine…” Hankyung said as he put down his book on the dining table.
“Mum! Can I go play basketball with Heechul? Okay thanks bye!” he shouted as he ran out of the house, not waiting for his mother’s response. The both of them sped off to the nearest basketball court together as fast as their little legs could carry them.
“How can you miss the ball! It was right in front of you!” Heechul yelled at Hankyung who was running after the ball that was rolling away from the court. Hankyung was never good in sports but Heechul still enjoyed playing with him. After all, they were best friends.
“Can’t concentrate! Too warm!” Hankyung panted. “Let’s go eat ice-cream. We’ll share a scoop.” Heechul agreed and they marched towards their favourite ice-cream store, with Heechul still complaining about Hankyung’s horrible basketball skills.
The cool air brushed against their faces as they entered the air conditioned ice-cream store. Along the way, they had already pooled their pocket money for the rest of the week for that one scoop of ice-cream.
“I want the chocolate ice-cream!” Hankyung said.
“No! We’re eating strawberry ice-cream!” Heechul protested.
“Strawberry’s too sour! I hate strawberries!” Hankyung replied.
“Chocolate’s too sweet! It looks like mud as well.” Heechul retorted.
“Well, I pay more, so I get to choose.” Hankyung said proudly.
“So?! I’m older than you!” Heechul grumbled.
“Only seven months! That doesn’t mean I have to listen to you!” Hankyung said.
“Then what about the previous time when I lent you my homework to copy?!” Heechul challenged.
“Well, I protected from that big bully Kangin!” Hankyung rebutted.
“No one asked you to protect me! I could do it myself.” Heechul said.
“Yeah, right! Someone was crying there when Kangin slapped him…” Hankyung rolled his eyes.
“I wasn’t crying! Not like someone who screamed and jumped when he saw a cockroach! Hankyung is a loser! Hankyung is a loser!” Heechul shouted. Hankyung couldn’t take it anymore and threw Heechul a punch in the stomach. “Ouch! What was that for!” Heechul was enraged. He lunged towards Hankyung and punched him on the face. Hankyung flew onto the floor and struggled to get up to attack. Just at that moment, he felt a strong hand grab him by his collar. Both Heechul and Hankyung felt that they were lifted up by a strong force. They looked up and saw a man with a big bushy beard and a stern look on his face.
The large man grabbed them and brought them outside the shop. “You two, stay here and don’t move!” He instructed with a very deep husky voice that frightened Heechul and Hankyung. They sat outside the shop quietly while the large man went back into the shop. “It’s all your fault, Hankyung.” Heechul blamed while Hankyung just examined his own bruises not saying a word. Just as Heechul was about to scold Hankyung for not replying, the large man came out with two cups in his hand. He handed them a cup each and said “Go home now!” They both quickly ran away, back to the basketball court with them holding their cups and Heechul holding the big basketball. They sat down at the bench, panting from all the running. They looked at their cups and realized it was the ice-cream flavour they wanted. They smiled at each other and then started eating their ice-cream while chatting, totally forgetting about their previous argument.
A/N: this was actually written for my assignment. i used their characters but i changed their names.
dont have to comment but would be appreciated if you did. :)