Fest update!!
We have had 14 prompts claimed so far, but there are still plenty more amazing prompts to inspire you! Take a look at the
Prompt Claiming Post and see what muse strikes you. Prompt claiming will remain open throughout the period before posting starts, so if you've already claimed a prompt and fulfilled it, feel free to choose another one!
If you have claimed a prompt, you should have an email from us telling us if you got your first, second, or third choice. If you do not receive this email today, please contact us at cmcasefiles@gmail.com to make sure we got your claim.
Participants, take a look at the
Rules and Fest Timeline to familiarize yourself with the due date for submissions. If you think you're not going to be able to make the deadline, please email us at cmcasefiles@gmail.com so we can adjust our posting schedule accordingly.
And please take a moment to
pimp our little fest on your personal journal, to increase our traffic as much as possible!
We're so excited!! If you have any questions, ask them here or email us at cmcasefiles@gmail.com!
Your super-psyched mods,
daftfear and