Welcome Post!

Feb 01, 2011 14:09

Hello, and welcome to cm_bigbang , the 2011 Criminal Minds big bang challenge!

Membership to the comm is restricted to those participating in the challenge (Writers, Artists, and Betas), but watching the comm is encouraged for all. Those who are participating, please remember to join the community to see the members only posts you will need after you've signed up.

Your mods are ssamod, writing2death, and wren_hightower, and you can contact us either by pm-ing us, or by emailing us at cm.bigbang@gmail.com.

So, you want to participate?

Be sure to visit the FAQ and Schedule before signing up.

Wanting to find everything?

--> | Writer Sign-Ups
--> | Artist Sign-Ups
--> | Beta Sign-Ups

Feel free to advertise this big bang as well!

!rules & faq, !mod post

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