The new Pride & Prejudice movie

Nov 23, 2005 23:05

Just saw the new movie today.

I loved it. I loved it so much. I want to see it again. I want to own it. OMG I'm in love with Michael Macfadyen's portrayal of Darcy. So wonderful. I thought Keira Knightly was great as Lizzie; it was so much more like my perception of Lizzie Bennett when I read the book, as opposed to the portrayal by Jennifer Ehle in the BBC version. (Jennifer Ehle played a wonderful Lizzie, but not quite what I had pictured as being Lizzie.) And the chemistry between Darcy and Elizabeth was so very apparent.

The whole thing was just so much closer to my own perceptions, reading the book, of what Pride & Prejudice should be.

I am almost ashamed to say this - I think I liked it better than the BBC mini-series. :o If it had been an hour longer and not so rushed, it'd be a shoo-in for one of my favorite movies ever. As it is, it might be there anyway.

I am absolutely surprised by my reaction. I adore the BBC mini-series. Adore. Own. Cherish. Have watched more times than one would think is healthy.

The book, as I have said before, is my favorite book ever. I have never encountered its equal in the combination of the way it makes me feel and the stellar craftsmanship with which Jane Austen wrote it.

And I just today saw what had been in my mind's eye since I was a thirteen-year-old girl.

It quite moved me.

books, movies

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