The not-so-epic tale of Friday at AE (but there's pictures!)

Aug 23, 2010 16:16

I don't really have the energy to write an actual vacation post of doom like Ben did, so I'll just post pictures instead.

This is the dorm we stayed in - waaaaaay fancier than any dorm I've ever lived in!!

And this is the view from the balcony. We were on the 17th floor (the highest), so of course there was spitting over the railing. Naturally.

You can see the ocean!

Here's us waiting for opening ceremonies to start ... and waiting ... and waiting ...

Ben, MasakoX and Lani doing ... something while waiting.

Here's Curt & his girlfriend Erica, who cosplayed as Revy from Black Lagoon.

Then after opening ceremonies we headed out to the green room, and because LittleKuriboh was with us we got stopped every two seconds for a photo op.

From left:
Anthony (Kroze), Ben (hbi2k), Nick (Lanipator), Curt (Takahata101), Scott (KaiserNeko), Martin (LittleKuriboh), Lawrence (MasakoX), Corinne (Megami33)

On Friday evening while the boys were at their fancy-schmany dinner, Jessi (Nowacking), Erica and I explored the University of British Columbia campus. It's gorgeous!

We wanted to go to the Rose Garden, but it was closed because of filming for a new CW show called "Hellcats." It sounds awful, but was fun to watch!

When everybody got back together we took some photos in front of Gage.

After this, we headed to the improv panel that Ben wrote about. It was pretty funny! (Also very long and I was very tired.)

pictures, ben, canada, conventions, anime

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