My letter to President Obama

Aug 17, 2009 19:50

My name is Amanda Hampton and I live in one of the worst states at the moment. Granted it has been bad here for longer than you have been in politics but that does not refrain me from bringing it to your attention today. Michigan is in really bad shape, the one thing that we really had going for us has pretty much dwindled away in the last decade or so. I speak of the the automotive industry that Henry Ford helped become one of the largest employers in the United States. I have many family members that have lost their jobs, livelyhoods and pensions due to the almost lack of interest to this matter. When I voted this year I thought that maybe a strong Democratic Leader would be able to undo a lot of the injustice that the former President (President George W. Bush) had caused. You held a lot of the same ideals and stances that a lot of younger Americans have held so dear.
Younger Americans on a whole would love to see you make these ideals a reality instead of just a whimsical fantasy used to ploy and decieve to get the votes. I speak of the governmental intereset in keeping jobs here, healthcare reform, equal opportunities irriguardless of age, sex, religion. etc. but alas I am starting to believe that these standards, these founding ideals on which our once beautiful country were established upon are mere words that mean nothing to the politicians that are supposed to upholding them. Almost every other day I hear of another ideal that you touted during the election being thrown to the wind. For example you bailed out bank after bank with no request for a plan of action on how they would better their situation, but when it came to the largest employment base in our country you demanded that they have a means to pay the loan back. Why then do these banks that squandered millions on executive bonouses and fancy chairs not be required thus samely? Why are you so willing to let die an idea that is by far more stable than medicaid in terms of health insurance? Why do you not pass laws that forbid banks from taking advantage of customers that have a mortgage with them?
The current mortgage crisis won't go away without intervention from the federal government. and I truely believe this. Mortgage companies have ruined lives by not being willing to help out their customers. A perfect example is this: my husband and I had bought a house we owned it for just under three years when we lost it. We lost it because I husband wound up getting fired. We had a MSHDA loan, which means that they had to be willing to work with us if something happened so that we could keep our home. The company that we went through basically said "sorry we don't do hand outs. We won't help you unless you get us two months mortgage and then pay normally" that isn't really helping is it. DHS wouldn't help us either because "we didn't qualify". It is companies like this one that have kept the housing market on the down slope and foreclouser ratings through the roof. It's not fair to any of the Americans that are losing their homes to have to deal with a company that is that blatantly uninterested in anything but making sure they make well over what they are loaning out.
I honestly believe that if you continue to do what you promised America before you took your oath of office. that America will once again be the greatest country on Earth, as we touted for so long.
Please don't send me an automated response that says "thank you for your input" it is an insult to me and basically says that you don't care. Please care. For America, please I beg care and only respond with a dignified response.
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