(no subject)

Aug 04, 2006 17:08

NEiL: siufdfjnkjghkdvmsaffhg?
meG: adlfajdl;fkjdx.
NEiL: ah, haha, skafjkdnmcnualkdfhad
meG: weoirueovlkdjflkdr!

geM is the kinky undercover cop dressed up as a kinkier maid, with secret fuzzy handcuffs.
I am officially the mistress of languages, and also get the chick on the left on occasion...
and, finally, Dane Cook is the master of languages.
The current music is a tribute to Josh Tenor, who will never read this, but hey...its there

Now, that's friendship to the max

Does Chuck Norris really know how to suck a fuck?
@_O should the universal L33T code for someone screwing up plucking their eyebrows?
Can NEiL and geM really speak nonsense?
Will Batman enter the Penguin's submarine lair and stop him from exposing his secret identity?
Will these questions ever be answered?
Have you met my new cat Lilith?
Could the Count of Monte Cristo defeat the Duke of Ellington?
You really haven't met my cat?
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