Aug 03, 2010 16:42
This morning we woke up and Sydney had blood coming out of his nose and all over his face. We rushed him to the vet and she cleaned him up, gave him some painkillers and appetite stimulants. He's as OK as a cat with three weeks to live can be. The blood was due to the sample they took for the biopsy yesterday during his MRI.
Shortly after we got back, I heard a kitten mewing in the back yard, it was caught between the fence and the bamboo. I asked over the fence if the kids playing there had a kitten, they hadn't, then they went to get a grownup, I asked if they or their neighbors had cats, they said the house next door is abandoned, no cats.
This kitten was like maybe 3 weeks old, if that. It looked like a kitty instead of a hamster, but was still very tiny.
I drove it down to the Pasadena Humane Society, which is our closest shelter and no-kill. Some stupid street person was there going on and on about her cat with the front desk ladies. I waited like ten minutes and then basically I started crying and saying "look, I need someone to take this kitten from me I just spent all morning with my dying cat at the vet and I can't handle this any more." The kitten was mewing the whole time.
Because the kitten was so young (and under weight, essentially) they will probably euthanize it immediately. I had to sign paperwork to that effect. I would have taken it home and cared for it, but, well, I have to take care of Sydney and I just can't handle taking in another cat right now.
(I put the above stuff into Facebook this morning)
Update: Sydney is feeling better since his pain shot and appetite stimulant. He ate about a tablespoon of tuna 90 minutes ago and then another tablespoon about 30 minutes ago. When I was prepping the second tablespoon, he walked into the kitchen under his own power.
He still has blood crusted on his nose and some gross stuff coming out of his eye. The vet wiped off his muzzle blood, but didn't want to put pressure on his eye when he was in pain. I have been slowly soaking the extra blood (since his vet visit this morning) off his nose, and will probably try to soak the crusties off his eye after a Tramadol dose tomorrow morning. The good news there is that he is finally opening his bad eye, as well. He's had it shut all morning.
So, yeah. He has tramadol (for pain) and appetite stimulant, and, well, we're doing what we can to make him comfortable in his last days. Erich is bringing home his favorite food, Boar's Head Liverwurst Pate, tonight for him to eat.