Two months. One post. Part two.

May 21, 2009 01:53

Summer = movies.
So on the movie front.
...actually, I really haven't watched much this summer, buuuut:


Saw it about a week ago, and slammed my foot into my mouth for saying it'd probably bomb.
I mean, I haven't converted into a trekkie. But DUDE. It was awesome. Beyond words and all comprehensive thought
Even if you aren't interested, give it a try. The acting is great, the comedy timing is perfect, visuals are excellent and it is both an excellent homage to the old series as well as a nice introduction to newbies. (And actually, yes, the guys are hot. Yes, all of them)
tl;dr: Drown your mind in epicness. Watch STAR TREK now.

As for 17 AGAIN:

My thoughts during the movie went along the lines of: Whoah. Crap...Everything I have ever said about Zac Efron being uglier than a post, I take it back. He's...8D~
(Although he still looks pasty-faced in HSM1)
17 AGAIN was something I picked over watching WOLVERINE: ORIGINS, and it was ... surprisingly touching. Not a perfect movie, but not a boring one at all -- and no, not just because of Zac, although the boy really is coming to his own. I enjoyed very much, and didn't come to regret my decision in the least. 83

As for WATCHMEN. Well.
I actually thought it was pretty awesome.

Given that it isn't a People's-people movie, and given that it tackles existentialism, rape, war, the concept of religion, lesbianism, etc. -- imho, it was still pretty awesome.
Given that it has Billy Crudup's glowing blue shlong -- imho, it was still pretty awesome.

Okay, okay. That girl who played Laurie CANNOT ACT TO SAVE THE PLANET. And Rorschach and Adrian Veidt, (as wonderful and shmexy as they both are), are totally overblown by the fandom. True.

But Stewart as Dreiberg was practically perfect in every way. YOU CANNOT DENY THIS. He was KAYDORABLE and yet so depressing at the same time.
And despite Comedian being evilblahblah and CRAP, THEY DESTROYED THE WORLD, and Alan Moore's bitching, it was as excellent an interpretation as could possibly be achieved on screen. Imho.

Watchmen isn't one of my favorites, but damn it if it wasn't a good movie.
And yes, this is from someone who read the comic long before she knew a movie was even gonna happen.

Haven't watched ANGELS & DEMONS, but I hear it's really different from the book. Not that I care. It has Ewan in it. 8D~
And has anyone watched WOLVERINE: ORIGINS yet? I wanna know why all the fans hated it. (I'm not watching it because it only has Emma Frost for all of two minutes)

i'll tell you what i know, i bloody love the cinema, picspam/vidspam, 2008, boys boys boys, fangasm, on vacation

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