May 18, 2008 01:19
Just watched the strangest and yet somehow empowering (for women) movie. It's called "Teeth". The movie follows a girl who has a case of Vagina Dentata. I thought it was a fairly well made movie with an original (as far as hollywood goes) story, however I think men would be quite a bit more disturbed by this film that women.
If you want to see the movie don't read further, I don't know how to make a cut or link or whatever it's called, yes I know, I do have a couple, but my brother does them for me and he's asleep right now. This post also rambles fairly broadly.
*** SPOILERS ***
The movie is pretty much every man's nightmare, a woman who can emasculate them (literally) should she choose to. I follows a girl that takes an abstinence vow until she marries. It's fairly transparent what will happen when she gets her first boyfriend, he rapes her during an outing at a lake. After the emasculation of said boyfriend she pretty much breaks down and freaks out. It's what happens later that is the meat of the story. It follows her as she evolves both in attitude and mind set. I'm not going to call it morals, as I believe morals are subjective, and the belief of how and when someone has sex is not a moral quandary for me as long as its between 2 consenting individuals of an appropriate mental and emotional maturity. The protagonist goes through the roller coaster of felling violated and a freak at which point she goes to a gynecologist and he finds out why you shouldn't do bad things, to becoming a confident and empowered woman when a dirty old man has obvious bad intentions toward her. In the end she winds up not hating what she is, but embracing it.
Should she feel this way? I believe there have been times in many women lives when they feel afraid, powerless and insignificant when dealing with men. Men are for a large part physically stronger than women, and no matter how well you know defense skills or how much you exercise, when walking to your car in a deserted garage or down the street late at night you feel just that little bit afraid. In a perfect world no one would be afraid of being assaulted but we do not live in a perfect world. I'm sure some men have felt unsafe for some of the same reasons as women and I'm not saying that only men do bad things, both sexes can be raped or used in an ill manner. Unfortunately it's women who account for the larger portion rape victims.
OK Ramble done