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Jul 01, 2006 13:02

So life is going on. It's been going good, except for work.. :x Work totally sucks and I hate it. I'm planning on quiting but I want to get another job before I quit so I don't become jobless.. bah humbug.

I took a series of pictures that I really like! xD You can see them here: http://s83.photobucket.com/albums/j311/xxclyde/Flowers/A%20Photographers%20Daisy/

I like Daisies. They're pretty. But Memphia likes her Tiger Lillies more than I like my Daisies. :D

We are slowing going into camping mode. A couple more weeks and we're off! It's going to be sweet.

So Me and Melissa and Missy went walking in the river reserve and we were going up a trail to this beaver pond, where I have been previously taking pictures of a beaver couple, when we heard something in the trees. I thought it was a deer so we got closer to see if it was and it ended up to be a female moose! I froze but Melissa didn't like being that close so she freaked out and wanted to get out of there. Missy was -so- good. I love her for this reason. When we are near moose she freezes and stays still and doesn't bark or nothing. She comes when I call her. I called her and we went on our merry way away from the moose. I begged to my dad to let me go back out there so I can take pictures and he said only if I am careful. And, boy, was I ever! I went back to the pond and on the other side was the moose and twin calves! They were so cute! I estimated them to be about a week or two old but I'm not to sure. I was very careful though. Cows are very protective of their calves when they are so young. I took lots of pictures! It was amazing! I was very happy for our find. xD See them here: http://s83.photobucket.com/albums/j311/xxclyde/Moose/Twins%20%20June%2029%2006/
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