Friday is the big day... for those that don't know, baseball season is coming very fast, which means tickets need to sell. That holiday date is Friday... If you see anyone outside Wrigley Field sleeping late at night tomorrow, now you know why... They, like me, want dibs on the tickets. However, I'm not an idiot when it comes to this... I would if I were in Anaheim, but not here with temperatures under 10 degrees. Not to mention that, but they can be bought online via, as everyone knows.
My date for any ticket consideration? Tuesday... *sigh* Strike one. -.-
For anyone wanting to see a Cubs game in Chicago, these are this year's big game days that I'm considering on the menu... The bold ones I'm seriously considering to attend... Italicized games I want to attend, but could be problematic... :
March 31 - Opening Day v. Milwaukee
April 2-3 - Value Days v. Milwaukee (Value Days mean the tickets are cheaper, and I typically feast all over these...)
April 17 - Value Day v. Cincinnati
April 21-22 - v. New York Mets, April 22 is a Value Day
May 1 - Value Day vs. Milwaukee
May 15 - Value Day vs. San Diego
May 26-28 - v. Los Angeles
June 5-8 - @ Los Angeles ... I owe my dad one, and seeing the look on his face seeing me in a Cubs hat is going to make him cringe, LOL
June 20-22 - v. Chicago White Sox in Wrigley
June 27-29 - v. Chicago White Sox in The Cell... Its like going to a Dodgers/Giants game in LA, including the guns.
July 11-13 - v. San Francisco
July 27 - Possible "Out at the Ballgame" date v. Florida.. I'm seriously considering attending this year if I can.
August 8-10 - v. St Louis
September 19-21 - v. St Louis
Opening Day is the kicker... I won't be able to attend due to the trip to St Louis I'm possibly planning, so I'm basically fucked without lube this year... and theres also the possible job with the Park District that I could get, should they still want me, so I am pretty much caught between a rock and a hard place this time around. I guess as they always say around here, "There's always next year...". Strike two...
I know that June 21st is assured, so long as I pay for the booze... >.> My old business associate Munni will be coming in from Anaheim to pay a visit for the weekend, and he's a huge Cubs fan, so that date was no problem, as he actually asked me about the schedule, LOL. Only problematic question there is the arrangements. He still hasn't told me where he wishes to stay... a hotel or my place... *sigh* Strike 3. -.-
One big date I am really looking at - Monday, May 26th... I know, I know... thats when us bears go to Side Track to celebrate all the fun at Bear Pride... For me, that's going to be Vision at the Excalibur, I think. Well, we all know I'm not really that big on Showtunes and I can handle em for oh so long. So, why not celebrate the only way I know how - a Cubs game vs. my evil dreaded hated opponent? I can head to SideTrack after the game, yeesh!
People say I should hate the Mets, as well I should, but my love for the Dodgers is as much as I love the White Sox ... There is no love whatsoever. In fact, I'd rather be fucked without lube than cheer for the White Sox or Dodgers... LOL.. and that will be rough, especially with my favorite manager other than Sweet Lou at the helm... But thats a whole different entry entirely...
So, when's the Pride Parade gonna be? If the organizers were smart, they'd do it on June 15th, when the Cubs go to Toronto. It certainly isn't smart to do it on the 29th, especially when the big rivalry is that weekend at The Cell, but I'm not them. Your damned if you do, and you're damned if you don't, huh?
Ciao for now, and if you want in on the fun, or wish to get me a ticket for my birthday (It is next week, you know *smirk*), let me know, so I can cut the date off my list, thanks! ;)