written for
numb3rs100prompt #163 Strike
Title: Rolling. (Prompt #163 Strike)
Pairing/Charaters: Don, Charlie.
Rating: PG
Summary: Younger Don and Charlie on an Easter Egg hunt
Word Count: 200
Spoilers: None
Notes/Warnings: Left over from Easter, yes I know they're Jewish, but hints in the show lead me to believe Margaret would take her boys on an Easter egg hunt as part of the local community spirt was than as a religious event.
Disclaimer: I don't own Numb3rs. Am making no profit.
Nine year old Donnie Eppes scanned the field of children looking for his baby brother. His mother would be livid if he lost the kid again. Suddenly he spotted the familiar curly head disappearing into the hedging that ran round the edge of the field. Donnie took off in a straight line to the spot where his brother had vanished. Pushing though the greenery he found Charlie crouched on the other side of the hedge, looking at a pile of four brightly patterned chocolate eggs.
“Donnie! Look it! I strike gold!” Charlie waved excitedly at his brother.
“How did you find all those?” Donnie asked him.
“They roll down the hill.” Charlie explained.
Sure enough the sports field was on a slope and the eggs that had been hidden under the hedge were all slowly making their way down the hill.
“I wait till there one for each of us.” Charlie explained to Donnie.
Donnie held his hands out to Charlie, and Charlie passed up the eggs.
“Lets go show Mom.” Donnie said cradling Charlie's precious cargo.
Charlie leapt up from the floor and follow Don back through the gap in the hedge and across the field towards their mother.