Aug 08, 2009 12:00
Why I can never be Ryo's girlfriend:
You have a beautiful nose. <= i'm really NOT nose is......normal?
You have a prominent nose. <= prominent.....dunno........maybe???
You have good cuticles. <= *takes a look at hands*.......iff you ignore my second finger...then yes =D
You have beautiful hair. <= i hate my hair....its too thick....
You’re not fat. <= too bad i am fat....
You have a foreign looking face. <= i am foreign to you i'm chinese......
You know what looks good on you. <= i dun't like shopping..........but i do have clothes that dunt make me look like....massua clown
You don’t click your shoes when you walk. <= i use running shoes....i just hope that doesnt annoys me =D
You look good in kimonos. <= errrrrr never worn one...............
You have a shy subtle look about You[u] <=errrrrr probably???not....
You have a very cute air about you. <= i'm cute when i look like i'm a chipmunk......
You like tonkatsu ramen. <= ramen's good with me =D
You don’t insist on going to the best places. <= i dunt care as long as we can eat =D <3333
You know my tastes. <= nope but i do know.......shige's <3333
You can make delicious miso soup. <= i cant make soup its official.......
You can make Japanese style eggs. <= yeah <3333 its like the block of egg thing rite??? its so goood <33333
You’re very good at making rice. <= can you make rice badly? Oo (i agree ith viny....)
You sleep a lot. <= <3333 sleeeeeeeeeeeepppppppp <333333
You always clean your room. <= my room's clean cuz i'm never in there <333 hahahahha
You take a bath everyday. <= i shower....never bath... ooopps??? XDDDD
You always take your make-up off before bed. <= i don't wear make-up so.....i dunt think i would need to =D
You think about your family. <= yeahhhhhh sureeeeeeee
You like all animals except cats. <= i love all animals....too bad i'm allergic to most of themmmmmm
You mind your Ps and Qs. <= loool i use them but.....unless i'm really tired and really pissed, i'll use subs =D
You’ll sometimes be a little selfish. <= its only healthy =D i'm not a pope....
You know my quirks. <= no not really =D
You’ll understand what I’m like when I get angry. <= As far as I'm concerned I don't even want to see Ryo getting really angry (totally agree with vin)
You’re nice to old people. <= all old people love me..........==" loool
You talk a lot. <= no not really XDDDDDD
You can read the mood <= my initials are ky <33333 looool but i can kinda read it........
nishikido ryo