Here, have a long, ramble-y and unorganized comment:
I think this is my favorite paragraph of the entire fic, for reasons I'm not quite sure of and can't explain: Dean opened the cupboard below the sink. Gun still there. Well, at least that probably meant Sam wasn't going to shoot him. That was always a plus. It's a good day when you can rule out fratricide on your Friday evening. God. Dean wished his internal monologue would just shut up sometimes. He was an asshole. I think maybe I just freaking love your Dean voice.
I love the significance of each of their assignments- Dean doesn't know who he is/who he wants to be, Sam doesn't know who his family is/where he comes from. Dean not knowing himself, Sam feeling out of place. Is that it? I'm not sure. I thought it was awesome though.
Dean's breakdown in the kitchen was just about the greatest teen!chester moment ever. His post-series panic attack was awesome too. You are so good at showing panic in your writing. (I meant to tell you that about your last Big Bang too, but I never got around to commenting. Ooops. ): )
YAY for Lisa being there for Dean but not in a romantic sense! Although she wasn't in this fic too much, I thought she was awesome- a strong, interesting and understanding person!
Dean and Sam not staying together and being there for each other post-series is definitely one of the saddest ways Show could end up. ),:
Sammy in this story is so full of awesome. A lot of times it's hard for me to sympathize with teen!Sam because he can seem like a brat and generally remind me way too much of my own little sister. But in this story he made Dean sandwiches. I love him for that. Usually with teen!chesters I only think of it as Dean feeling like he's losing Sam, but in this one Sam felt like he was losing Dean as well which was completely awesome and well done. I love post-series!Sam's no-bullshit attitude.
This story has all my favorite Dean hurt nuances INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO: Dean deciding eating is too much effort, post-series trouble dealing, why-do-I-need-high-school angst, heat, tiredness/insomnia, suicide ideation (I was so excited when I saw that warning. I am an awful person.), whiskey at 9:43 am, panic attacks.
Plus I have a thing for literature with a Mexican-American (is that the right word??? :/ ) twist, and descriptions of the crappy parts of cities.
In conclusion: I loved this fic a whole lot. I understand some of what you said in your journal about why you might not be totally proud of it, but in my opinion its strengths far outweigh its weaknesses.
I think this is my favorite paragraph of the entire fic, for reasons I'm not quite sure of and can't explain:
Dean opened the cupboard below the sink. Gun still there. Well, at least that probably meant Sam wasn't going to shoot him. That was always a plus. It's a good day when you can rule out fratricide on your Friday evening. God. Dean wished his internal monologue would just shut up sometimes. He was an asshole.
I think maybe I just freaking love your Dean voice.
I love the significance of each of their assignments- Dean doesn't know who he is/who he wants to be, Sam doesn't know who his family is/where he comes from. Dean not knowing himself, Sam feeling out of place. Is that it? I'm not sure. I thought it was awesome though.
Dean's breakdown in the kitchen was just about the greatest teen!chester moment ever. His post-series panic attack was awesome too. You are so good at showing panic in your writing. (I meant to tell you that about your last Big Bang too, but I never got around to commenting. Ooops. ): )
YAY for Lisa being there for Dean but not in a romantic sense! Although she wasn't in this fic too much, I thought she was awesome- a strong, interesting and understanding person!
Dean and Sam not staying together and being there for each other post-series is definitely one of the saddest ways Show could end up. ),:
Sammy in this story is so full of awesome. A lot of times it's hard for me to sympathize with teen!Sam because he can seem like a brat and generally remind me way too much of my own little sister. But in this story he made Dean sandwiches. I love him for that. Usually with teen!chesters I only think of it as Dean feeling like he's losing Sam, but in this one Sam felt like he was losing Dean as well which was completely awesome and well done. I love post-series!Sam's no-bullshit attitude.
This story has all my favorite Dean hurt nuances INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO: Dean deciding eating is too much effort, post-series trouble dealing, why-do-I-need-high-school angst, heat, tiredness/insomnia, suicide ideation (I was so excited when I saw that warning. I am an awful person.), whiskey at 9:43 am, panic attacks.
Plus I have a thing for literature with a Mexican-American (is that the right word??? :/ ) twist, and descriptions of the crappy parts of cities.
In conclusion: I loved this fic a whole lot. I understand some of what you said in your journal about why you might not be totally proud of it, but in my opinion its strengths far outweigh its weaknesses.
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