Do You Know Your Enemy...

Jul 15, 2009 14:37

So lately I've been reading the news paper and becoming a bit more politically aware. Companies are making cut backs by laying people off, people are making cut backs by spending less and saving more, but do you think the Government is making cut backs? Hell no! Their answer is to raise property taxes and force the rest of us to tighten our belts even further. I don't know how much tighter my belt can get. I've got a muffin top goin' on over here!

Honestly, though I've been doing fine, all things considered. I've been fortunate enough to survive this economic tidal wave relatively unscathed. Yeah, I've had to make a few cut backs of my own, but I still have a job and I can still make my mortgage payments. I am one of the lucky ones.

So many people are suffering right now because the Government can't mind its own business. It can't let the banks take the fall for their corruption nor can it allow American auto makers to go quietly into that good night.

The [banks] took advantage of a lot of people who had big dreams. They told them that they could have their big dreams even though they didn't have enough money. And then when the stuff hit the fan, and all those people defaulted on their mortgages, they didn't want to take responsibility. Instead, they turned to the Government and begged for help, and the big strong Government swooped down and saved the banks.

Rather than let natural selection take it's course and only allow the strongest banks to survive, the Government stuck its nose where it didn't belong and bailed them out. All of my (and your) hard earned money going to bail out the greedy banks.

And let's not forget the tanking auto industry. Is it just me, or is it just the American auto manufacturers that are having trouble? Honda and Toyota are still going strong. Maybe it's because they make a quality car that lasts more than five years. Maybe it's because Americans are getting smarter and realizing that they can save a LOT of money by purchasing a quality vehicle and maintaining it rather than buying a cheap hunk of junk and having to replace it every few years.

And again, instead of allowing the strongest auto makers to survive, the Government came in and rescued GM and Dodge. And for what? GM is still closing hundreds of dealerships nationwide and putting thousands of people out of work. So my (and your) hard earned tax dollars are being flushed down the toilet.

When is the Government going to start bailing me out? When is the Government going to start sticking its nose into an industry that is actually going to benefit people like me? People who work hard for everything they have. When is Obama going to stick his nose into health care to make it more affordable for me like he promised? When is the Government going to stop the big oil companies from over charging for gas? When is the Government going to stop taking my money and giving it to other people?

Now, I know that there are people out there who really do need welfare, especially now, but there are a lot more people out there that are abusing the system and the Government does nothing to stop it. There are criminals in our prison system who are living better than you and me. They get three square meals a day, cable television, time to exercise and an education if they want it. So what's to stop the average person from robbing a bank? When are these criminals are going to be punished for their crimes?

I'll leave you with this: I was in traffic yesterday and saw the most amusing bumper sticker. It read, "I'll keep my guns, freedom and money. You can keep the 'change'."

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