My Secret Arsinal Is An Infinite Ageless Inkwell...

Jan 25, 2004 01:27

I went to Hard Rock Live with Garrett tonight to see some bands that I've never heard of...The first band was called Dialect I think...Anyhoo, the music was good except that half of the vocals didn't quite go with music, and the singer was trying way to hard to sound like either Bono of U2 or Chino of the Deftones, I can't decide which...

The second band had something to do with Kaos, but I can't exactly remember their name...They were slightly better than the first band, but I was hardly impressed. They were a lot heavier than what I enjoy, but I found the singer's voice surprisingly appealing when he wasn't screaming...I think that if he actually tried to sing, and they toned down the distortion a little, they'd sound really good.

The third band was the one Garrett's friends were there to see, and I was plesantly surprised after the horror of the first two bands...The singer was beautiful, and could actually sing! I even allowed myself to loosen up and bop my head to the music...

After the third band, we went outside to smoke, and who do you think I saw? Scott Phillips, the drummer for Creed...Not that I was particularly excited to see him or anything, but it was kinda cool to see him just hanging out at the Hard Rock...I've discovered that Garrett has a lot of super cool friends, who I'm sure will be hanging out at our pad once we're all moved in...It's going to be a blast!

We decided to leave when the last band started, because it was getting late, and the last band didn't sound all too exciting...On the way out, I saw another illustrious Orlando music socialite, Mark Tremonti, also of Creed...Now I was slightly more excited to see him, because I actually respect him as a guitarist, but I didn't take the time to stop and say hello to him...

It was definitely an interesting evening, and certainly one that I won't soon forget...Goodnight my children!

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