Jan 02, 2011 19:29
[Hero is lost. Beyond lost actually. His hands are shoved into his pockets and he is stopped at a corner looking around. This is not his city. Pretty good thing too, considering that meant that it was possible the cops that had been chasing him at home weren't here.]
@last arrival
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Comments 26
Xander looks kind of out of place in the city. For one, he's obviously armed with an old rifle strapped to his back. The rest is harder to pinpoint, but he looks like he's been traveling a long way in an area dustier than this.*
Lost too?
He pauses and looks to Hero, offering a shy smile.*
Yeah. I'm not even sure how I got here anymore.
Better than home, I suppose I can't complain. [No one was trying to experiment on him or and kill him. He offered a gloved hand, if it's taken you'll notice he's much warmer than most people even through the glove.] I'm Hero.
Hm. There's a familiar face.
And here I thought I was away from trouble for once.
And I'm to believe you have nothing to do with this then?
Oh, and look, here comes her wheel! It probably makes a wonderful clatter when she catches it.]
All right... before you say... a worrrrrrrd...
Iiiiiiii didn't make this pretty little mess.~
I know it wasn't your sister...
You catch on quickly...
But along I came... pulled by a chain... hmm.
What did you step in?
I'm not the one who did this, Fortuna. And you shouldn't skip around alone...
[Still, he had to protect her, didn't he? If he liked it or not, Hero had no choice.]
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