I went to the most awful party today. It has drained me entirely of my energy, and left me with the intense desire to take a long, hot shower. Here is a copy and paste of my rant at Nicole, which I am too lazy to retype.
The Enigma Ninja: it was liz's birthday party, and she has a lot of really nerdy friends
The Enigma Ninja: I love nerds, as a general rule
The Enigma Ninja: but these were like..
The Enigma Ninja: you know, the sort of nerds who are eighteen years old and still never miss an episode of yu-gi-oh
The Enigma Ninja: I feel defiled
passing the gun: oh god
passing the gun: *hugs*
passing the gun: >>
The Enigma Ninja: this one kid, he had an ocarina
The Enigma Ninja: and he got it out
The Enigma Ninja: and was playing it in the restaurant
The Enigma Ninja: and then this other guy started hitting on me
The Enigma Ninja: and he, ugh, nicole, this kid..
The Enigma Ninja: he was so, SO awkward
The Enigma Ninja: he scooched his chair around the table to sit next to me
The Enigma Ninja: and kept making these random retarded comments
The Enigma Ninja: and whenever I so much as LOOKED at him he stopped talking and got this enormous stupid grin on his face
The Enigma Ninja: /rant
This same guy, the one who was hitting on me -- I think he was nineteen, because he went to college with Lauren -- would not tell me his name when I asked him what it was. He was like, "uh.. I don't have a name!" and gave that enormous stupid grin. I can only speculate that he thought he was being clever.
This is to make me feel better.