rohan is 5 months and a couple days. it's time for an update! let's see...
he can:
- sit up with support
- reach out and grab things when i'm not looking (luckily his speedy little arms are still t. rex short, ha!)
- swing in the toddler swing at the playground
- rotate around his exersaucer pretty easily
- take his bucket hat off his head and chew on it
- pinch with his fingers
- grab hair, necklaces, and no doubt earrings as well...
rohan still has absolutely no desire to roll over from his stomach but i suspect he can. if you turn him a bit, he can do it. lately he's been going to sleep rather late, ~ 9 pm. he's also been peeing in his bath ;p yesterday we were bouncing after his bath, and he peed on me instead. joy. he's pretty fascinated when we eat, and all the signs point at him starting solids soon. we're holding out just a tad longer before starting with oatmeal cereal.
we made it off the waiting list for "bouncing babies" at the library. hooray! we got to the library at 9:05 am (5 mins late) on sign up day and ended up 2nd on the list. luckily, they moved the program to the reading room and opened it up. i hope there aren't too many things that will require me to be a timely mom!