Ok, so in my horrible habit of procrastination, I figured I'd make my first LJ post and see what happens!
I'm procrastinating. Terribly. I've just been on half term for a week, have done no work yet, and have yet to do any of my planning for school starting tomorrow!
I have had many, many distractions this weekend, namely a result of the brilliant Downton Abbey. And you know what? I really don't mind!
I have been WAITING for this for a long time. As various snippets and snapshots have been released, we've seen series 2 glimpses of plenty of other characters, and I'd been longing for a look at Matthew in uniform! I had anticipated that it would suit him. That he would look pretty good. And boy, was I right! It occurred to me that, while I normally effuse about how pretty he is, how cute, how adorable, how sweetly he smiles - in this photo he looks handsome. Really, really handsome.
Can't wait for series 2...
-Secondly, on a related note, I've spent much time considering the likelihood (based on one of the s2 photos) that Matthew is in a wheelchair. *cries* I'm severely hoping that it is only a temporary injury. Having seen the tv adaptation (1979) of Testament of Youth, I remember that Vera Brittain's brother broke a leg and had to return to England for about 8 weeks. I'm hoping that Matthew has only suffered something similar!
-Thirdly, I've got rather caught up in the particularly exciting Scarborough castle RPG thread that Rose (
epea_pteroenta ) and I have started in the Downton Abbey forum. Matthew and Mary are both getting pretty worked up in the brewing storm... There has been arm flinging, insults and yelling... Can't wait to see where that goes!
-Fourthly, I've been (failingly) critiquing Laura's latest fanvid for Matthew/Mary. I say failing, because it's utterly brilliant. The song is Perhaps, Perhaps, Perhaps which just suits Matthew PERFECTLY. And it may have been distracting me through multiple re-watches of their stupidly hot kiss. Check it out on
www.youtube.com/watch - I'm sure she won't mind the promotion!
-And now, I'm procrastinating by writing about my procrastination!! What's wrong with me?! To be honest, I'm trying this out - I would love this journal to be pretty, but I'm not quite sure how to make it so (any tips appreciated!), and I'd quite like to just see how it turns out!
I'm doing well, aren't I.
And with that, my planning beckons. I have Guided Reading, Literacy and Maths to plan - in that order, because Maths is really the most important (i.e. it's the only one I have to teach tomorrow, ergo it NEEDS to be done today!).
And now I shall stop distracting myself!