for heaven sake stop

Feb 27, 2008 18:02

Your making me uncomfortable.
I know to some degree we
have to work together.
I was told your suppose
to stay away form me.
You make me uncomfortable.
You might take me being cor-gil
for something else. But trust
me, its not.I know your reading
this, and probably questioning
your self, "is she talking about
me"? Yes...yes I'm talking about
you. And to you as a matter of
fact.I have been quiet nasty
to you before.And how I haven't gotten
written up for it, is beyond me.
So stop, I'm flat out telling you
to stop.Stop pro-tending to be doing
something in the room that I happen
to be in. And all the other crap
that you do. Knock it off. Its rather
irritating, and makes me uncomfortable.
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