Feb 07, 2008 09:11
For anyone who's been keeping track, I had the baby! FINALLY!! I was getting desperate towards the end of it all, but it was wonderful. I was admitted at 3am on superbowl sunday and the baby came at 12:54pm that afternoon.
Preston and mom were with me the whole time, and then various guests stopped by shortly after her arrival. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Between labor, delivery, and recovery at the hospital it was honestly the best experience of my life and I wouldn't trade it for anything. And now I have this little bundle of beautiful awesome goodness that couldn't be more perfect.
We ended up naming her Hannah Michelle Elizabeth Patton. The middle names are the namesakes of the grandmothers.
Preston stayed with me all 3 days at the hospital and it was a blast, we call it our honeymoon, our little vacation with our new addition. It was awesome, the nurses brought me medicine every 3 hours and changed diapers for us, someone else brought me food and snack all throughout the day, miss shirely cleaned our room everyday and preston's favorite part was the waffle maker in the cafeteria, which I have to admit was pretty badass. They had this cast iron waffle iron and cups of batter and you just poured it and had a fresh waffle in minutes, he was in heaven.
Now we're home, and we're ready to start the bonding process. I love her so much, she's such an angel. I know everyone says that about their newborns, but its true, they're all angels and they're all lovely. She's napping at the moment so that means I should be napping.