I Fall In Love With A Host [oneshot]

Jul 19, 2011 14:29

Title: I Fall In Love With A Host
Pairing: Kyuhyun/Sungmin
Rating/Genre: PG/Fluff, Romance
Beta: benniot_91
Summary: This story started in one sunny day in SM High School, in where one small delicate man lost his way to the cafeteria. He was just transferred to that school, and unfortunately he didn’t get into the same class as his childhood friend who had study in that school before he transferred there.

I Fall In Love With A Host:

This story started in one sunny day in SM High School, in where one small delicate man lost his way to the cafeteria. He was just transferred to that school, and unfortunately he didn’t get into the same class as his childhood friend who had study in that school before he transferred there.

That little boy saw someone came out from the toilet, someone with blond hair and he could swear he saw the blond guy just flipped his hair and sparkling dust circling him in slow motion. He gulped, but he stick to his plan and approached that blond guy to ask the way, “Excuse me, can I ask you something?”

“No problem,” the blond guy answered with dazzling smile and a sighed, as if he knew he would get that sort of question and soon completed his answer with, “I know what you are going to say.” He gave the gaping boy an understanding smile. “I can never reject any cute boy’s offer. Damn, I can’t reject everyone’s offer.” Then the blond guy drew closer to the now panic boy and tilted his head, ready to kiss.

That’s before one particular person came and pulled him away from that scared boy. “I’m sorry, but what are you doing to him without my consent?”

“Kyuhyun.” The little guy relaxed after he looked at his best friend.

But the blond man didn’t budge from his position and said, “He asked me for a kiss.” And he held the little man waist who yelped at the sudden contact and blushed like madly.

“Since when did I asked you that? I haven’t even asked you anything yet!” he wriggled from the hug and tried to escape from the blond man.

“Don’t be shy,” the blond smirked and moved to kiss him. Right before he could touch the trembled lips, he was pulled away again by the tall guy who disturbed him earlier. The tall guy caged the blond man face in both his palms and now the blond could only see the annoyed face of the taller man.

The taller man actually wore glasses which made him look hot. That was the blond’s thought before the full lips in front of his face moved - sensually, the blond guy added - before said, “In that case, allow me to take his place,” and caught his lips, made the blond shocked. The kiss ended as fast as it came.

“Don’t disturb him again, Lee Sungmin. You get it?” he warned the blond before he let go of his face and dragged the small boy, who couldn’t close his mouth because apparently he was, too, not expecting his best friend to do that. “Come on, Wook. I’m hungry.”

The two boys left the blond guy alone. Lee Sungmin. Yes, the blond man’s name was Lee Sungmin. He was the casanova in that high school. And this one man who was called Kyuhyun just caught his attention. In a good way, or maybe we could say, in a romantic way.


The sound of a pencil swiping across pieces of paper on a pink notebook could be heard from a radius of 5 meters away. Everybody could tell that person was stalking someone. Even the one who he stalked was apparently aware of it, but he decided to just ignore it.

From his pink notebook, Lee Sungmin learnt many things about Cho Kyuhyun. He was 2 years younger than him but still taller than him. He wasn’t a talkative person. His glasses made him look hot, well, that was a subjective point of view but since it’s his notebook, he could write whatever he want. He also knew Kyuhyun was a smartass, meaning a smart boy with a nice ass. He also befriend with the new transferred student, Kim Ryeowook.

Kyuhyun liked blue, Sungmin whined at this - he claimed Kyuhyun would be perfect with color pink. And lastly he always sat at the corner side in cafeteria at lunch time, playing with his PSP.

One day Sungmin followed Kyuhyun after school ended. He saw Kyuhyun enter the apartment building, but that’s it. He didn’t dare to follow him inside the building. So he put down his pink notebook and waited. He didn’t know what he was waiting for. He was not even sure if the latter would out going somewhere like hanging out with friends, or going to arcade. But Sungmin was persistence and kept wondering around in small circle outside the building.

Fifteen minutes passed and he felt stupid, so he choose to walk back home. Just as he turned around, his eyes caught his stalking object out of the building. He immediately hid behind a huge three in front of the front gate keep his gaze at the person who’s now wearing a non-uniform clothes. He looks hotter in that attire he thought.

But that thought soon replace with a shock when the taller man entered a host club. Sungmin gulped, he looked around and suddenly realized he’s in the suburbs. He zipped up his pink jacket to hide his uniform. A poster caught his attention. It was the rank of top 5 hosts in the club for this month.

Kyuhyun was the first. Another surprise for the pink lover, he couldn’t even open his bag to reach his pink notebook for write down the new information.

“What should I do? What should I do??” Sungmin fidgeted from his spot, not realizing many hunger and lustful eyes directed at him. “Argh! I’ve followed him ‘till here. Just go and continue your love fight, Lee Sungmin!” He released his stressing thought and then he went in.

“I want to meet Cho Kyuhyun.” he stammered, didn’t know what to do because apparently this was the first time he tried to order a host.

“I beg your pardon, Mister? You mean you want to order Hyun-ah for your escort tonight?” the front desk lady asked him.

“Hyun-ah? No no no, I want Cho Kyuhyun. The top one who has his face glued in the poster outside.” Enter the host club was one problem, but requesting for someone he didn’t know at all to accompany him was another problem he didn’t want to have.

The lady chuckled and took one brochure, “You mean this guy?” She pointed to one picture, which was absolutely the hottest picture of Cho Kyuhyun he has ever seen.

“Yes! Yes, he is!” He nodded eagerly, or rather excitedly.

“This guy name is Hyun-ah. We didn’t use real name here, Mister. So, since you want to have fun with Hyun-ah, I will call him. Please take a seat first, Mister..?”

“Lee, Lee Sungmin.” He blushed and bowed to the lady.

“Okay, Mister Lee Sungmin. Please wait for a couple of minutes. You are a rare customer, we always have women as our customers. But you’re not our first gay customer either.”

The lady gave him a replying bow before she went to the back door and search for Cho Kyuhyun. Sungmin sat in one big sofa, he moved uncomfortably, not because the sofa was uncomfortable but rather because the love scenes that played around him. He couldn’t stop himself from blushing.

“You?!” that was the first word escape from that snarky mouth - sexy mouth, Sungmin added. Sungmin just smiled sheepishly.

The next fifteen minutes was a torture for Sungmin. He clung to Kyuhyun like what he’d always dream of, but the latter just gave him cold shoulder even though he didn’t reject the skinship. Sungmin didn’t like this feeling, he never like being ignored, let alone with his crush. Yes, he admit he liked Kyuhyun from the first kiss he gave him.

He pouted, and then spoke his first sentence. “I want to talk to your manager.” Finally he succeed in making the latter turned his head to him. “I want to complain for this bad service. I thought you were the top host, but you gave the worst service.” He stood up from his seat only to be dragged back to his previous position by a tugged on his wrist. Kyuhyun finally gave him the most dazzling smile Sungmin had ever seen, and made him melt right away. He giggled and clung back to his escort. He was satisfied enough.


Since that night, Sungmin always spent his night in that club, asking for Kyuhyun’s escort. It’s a good thing that his parents were rich so he paid no mind in how much money he wasted in that club.

Not only tried to be close to him outside the school, Sungmin was also trying to befriend - he wanted to be his boyfriend, but he took one step at a time - with Kyuhyun at school. By trying he mean always be there wherever Kyuhyun was. He popped up when Kyuhyun finished his classes, tagging him when he had his lunch, tried to talk to him which usually become his monologue because Kyuhyun never replied to him. He never gave up, not when he finally found someone he liked.

Until one day, he followed him when he had a conversation with his best friend, Ryeowook. Kyuhyun, as usual, ignored his presence and kept talking with Ryeowook. Sungmin held the hem of Kyuhyun uniform and walked aimlessly, just tailing him wherever he went.

He had been wondering why Kyuhyun choose that job as his part time job, so at that time he blurted, “Kyu, why did you choose to be a ho-”

Knew what the latter would have blurted out, Kyuhyun covered Sungmin’s mouth with his hand.

“Excuse us, Wook.” Kyuhyun laughed awkwardly and pulled the smaller man away from Ryeowook, not that Sungmin mind though, he was happy.

“Goodbye Wookie~ I think Kyuhyun want to have some intimate time with me~” he said as he waved his hand, and made Ryeowook giggled and waved back.

“Take a good care of my best friend, Sungmin hyung.”

Sungmin managed to reply, “I will,” before they turned and vanished from Ryeowook’s sight.

“Stop doing that, will you?” Kyuhyun snapped when they reached the empty classroom.

“Stop what?” Sungmin asked innocently, blinking his big doe eyes.

“Stop following me, stop going to the club at night, stop interrupting my conversation with my friend, stop clinging to me, stop-just stop!” He blurted in anger. “If you want revenge for that kiss, it’s your fault, okay! It’s you who started molesting my best friend. If you hate it that much, my apologize. Just stop interfering with my life.”

Sungmin bit his bottom lips. He never knew Kyuhyun would misunderstand his feeling. “I…I didn’t hate it.” his voice trembled, “To be honest, I like it.” he played with his fingers, didn’t have the gut to look Kyuhyun in the eyes. “I like you, that’s why I’m doing all that. I never want to revenge.”

Kyuhyun couldn’t believe his ears. He moved his gaze across the room, suddenly didn’t want to look at his senior. This is getting messier then he thought.

“I don’t believe you. A playboy like you.” He finally decided and walked away. Before he close the door, he looked once more to Sungmin and said, “Just stop, okay.” And he left him alone inside the empty classroom.

“Does a playboy can’t fall in love too? Can’t I change to just love one person instead of being with everyone?” He mumbled to himself.


Sungmin never gave up. That’s what his grandmother taught him before she passed away, and that’s what he did. He came back to Kyuhyun host club even though he had been rejected by the latter a few hours before.

“I want Hyun-ah.” he told the front desk lady with his smile.

“Hyun-ah has a customer, Minnie.” The lady gave him apologetic smile, and Sungmin could see the waiting list said Kyuhyun with a girl named Seohyun until 9PM. “I’m sorry. But why don’t you try to mingle with our other hosts? We have the best hosts in this town.” The idea was tempting, but Sungmin only want Kyuhyun. He was ready to reject the offer and wait for Kyuhyun to finish his escort to his customer when one cute yet handsome guy appear offered himself to be his escort.

“I would love to accompany you, Mister.” He flashed his smile, “I’s always looking out for you, wondering when will you order other host than Hyun-ah, I think today is my lucky day.” Sungmin blushed at him. “You know, Hyun-ah can be pretty boring sometimes, I could entertain you.” He gave Sungmin a puppy eyes and Sungmin giggled at his cuteness.

Well, maybe I could ask for his escort while waiting for Kyuhyun to finish his. Then he sat in the corner of the room with the new host.

Soon he learnt the host name was Lee Donghae, called by Hae. He has bubbly characteristic and apparently he was one of the Top 5 host in the club.

“You are cute.” Hae dropped his arm casually on Sungmin’s shoulder. “Every host here always talks about you.”

“Really? Why?” Sungmin leaned to Donghae, curious.

“Because you are the only gay customer here.”

“But Sooyoung-ssi said I wasn’t the first male customer.” He mentioned the frontdesk lady’s name as he remembered her comment before.

“Sure, you are not the first male customer in this club. But you are the first male customer that come here regularly and keep ordering the same person.” Sungmin bit his lips at that fact and tilted his head.

“Is that a bad thing? That I only want to spend my time with Kyuhyun?” he pouted.

Donghae chuckled at the cute gesture and couldn’t help but pinched Sungmin cheek, “You are so cute.”

“You’ve said that before. Compliment me with something new.” Sungmin joked and hit Donghae’s hand and shoved it off of his cheek.

“Not satisfied, uh? Okay, let me try another one.” Sungmin moved closer, anticipating Hae’s words. “You are the cutest customer who has been coming here.”

“Cutest customer? Not cutest male customer?” Sungmin giggled, but he loved the compliment.

“No, the cutest. Even our girl customers could not compare to your cuteness.” Hae sneaked his arm to Sungmin waist, and the latter was too happy to notice it. “You should apply to be host, I’m sure you will rise to the top. Not a surprise though, not with your cuteness.” Now Donghae dropped his chin on Sungmin’s shoulder.

Sungmin turned his head to answer, but before he could open his mouth someone grabbed his arm and pulled him off Donghae’s hug. His arm hurt due the sudden impact, but when he saw who did that, it didn’t matter anymore.


Kyuhyun glared to his co-worked and said coldly, “I’m done with her.” It’s obvious for Sungmin, but his eyes still stuck with Donghae. “You’re here for me, right? Come on, don’t waste my time.” He dragged the frozen male in his hand towards another seat.

Donghae just chuckled at his friend’s epic. He knew Kyuhyun was jealous, and he loved to see him oblivious to his feeling and did stupid things.

While Donghae keep laughing, Kyuhyun was angry. He didn’t know what the reason of his anger was, he just did. And for Sungmin, he was flying in pink heaven with baby unicorn and sliding in pink waterfall.




Still no respond.

The person behind him sighed and finally said something, “What? Stop pouting. It’s not like you don’t know my true self, so why should I bother in being nice to you?” Kyuhyun laid back to the sofa for more comfort and Sungmin just cuddled to him. To his surprise, Kyuhyun didn’t shove him away like usual. So he tried to push his luck deeper.

“It would be better if you be nice to me, you know. Like what you did to Wookie. You already know that I like you.”

No reply. Sungmin closed his eyes and enjoyed this moment, because he didn’t know when Kyuhyun would let him to cuddle him again. Beside him, Kyuhyun just shut his mouth, because he didn’t understand why he let Sungmin cuddled him and he couldn’t find a word to answer his question either. It’s like his voice was stuck in his throat.

People walk around them and new customers come and gone. Kyuhyun looked around and he could see his co-worked teased him with their looked, Donghae even copied his and Sungmin hugging position with other another host, Eunhyuk. Kyuhyun ignored that, enjoying his silent time with Sungmin.

If his co-worker didn’t annoy him, other customers did. No, they didn’t look at Sungmin with hatred because he monopolizing the number 1 host, well some did, but the other customer just looked at Sungmin with interest. It’s like they were judging him and they stripping him with their hunger eyes. Kyuhyun loose his arms and sneaked it to Sungmin waist, gripped it steadily.

Sungmin yelped at the sudden change. He was blushing like mad but he didn’t push Kyuhyun’s arm away. He liked it.

“So, until when you want to keep coming back here? Aren’t you going to run out of money?”

“No, I won’t.” Sungmin smiled, “And I will keep coming until you are mine.” He blushed at his own words and made Kyuhyun chuckled.

“He is too cute” was Kyuhyun thought, but his mouth said otherwise, “Then you will be poor soon.” He smirked and continued, “Because I’m not interested in you even a bit.”

Sungmin immediately hit Kyuhyun arm and whined, “So cruel!” he pouted and his eyes went teary. Kyuhyun laughed at the scene before him and ruffled Sungmin hair. Sungmin purred at the gesture, soon he forgot about the snarky comment from Kyuhyun.

They sat in a more relaxing position, Sungmin lean his head on Kyuhyun shoulder and Kyuhyun still kept his arm on the smaller man waist. “So tell me, how come you managed to become the top host with that attitude of yours?”

“Well, no one could resist my charm.” He stated. Sungmin just nodded; agreeing with him, made Kyuhyun chuckled again at his cute antique. Kyuhyun finally understood why this guy was so popular in their school. Not only his appearance, but also his attitude was lovable.

“Why Wookie didn’t know about this?”

Kyuhyun hand slowly dropped from Sungmin waist and Sungmin turned his head to Kyuhyun.

“It’s late, you should go home.” He said and patted Sungmin head. He walked to Sooyoung and Sungmin just followed him. He wondered what he did wrong. He was so lost in his disappointment, not realizing Kyuhyun already came back with his normal T-shirt and jeans. “Come on, I will take you home.”

“You’ve finished with your job?”

Kyuhyun just shrugged and take Sungmin hand, dragged him out of the club.


“Hyun-ah!” Sungmin yelled across the corridor waved his hand when he saw his crush. He was walking with Ryeowook before he found Kyuhyun.

“Stop calling me that.” Kyuhyun said in low voice, eyes dangerously glared towards the hyper boy who yelped.

“I’m sorry.” Sungmin totally forget about that nickname, he bowed apologetically. But that guilty feeling vanished as soon as it came when he remembered what he had been talking with Kyuhyun best friend before. “So, Kyuhyun, I’ve heard have a really good voice~” Sungmin looked at him with his big eyes, everyone who passed could see its sparkling. “Like, r.e.a.l.l.y!” he exaggerate his word.

“Who spread that lie?” Kyuhyun answered him. This was new; Kyuhyun never answered him before, not in the school.

“It’s not a lie, because I’ve heard it from your very own bestest friend, here.” He tapped Ryeowook’s shoulder, who just smiled at his hyung antic.

No answer; Sungmin wasn’t disappointed. It’s the normal Kyuhyun after all. The non-talkative one. “So, would you ever sing to me? I want to hear that.” He giggled as he tugged Kyuhyun uniform, begging him.

“And why should I do that?”

“Because I need to know if it’s really good as what Wookie has said.” He nodded to himself, “I need to judge you, because Wookie could be biased since he is your best friend.”

“Hyung, I’m not biased.” Ryeowook, defended himself. “It was really good. Kyu, just sing one verse. Show him what you’ve got and stop embarrassing me.” Ryeowook hit his besties.

“Come on, Kyu~~ for your crush’s sake,” Sungmin’s now pleading to him. Kyuhyun almost gave up.

“So, now you shamelessly told everyone that you have a feeling on me?” Kyuhyun hide his smile, he didn’t know but saying those made him feeling warm all over.

“It’s not a secret from the first place. You just too dumb to realize it.” Sungmin shrugged.

“What happen to your fan girls now?”

“What fan girls? I’m a fan boy over you now! Stop changing the topic and sing for me!” he demanded and put his hands on his waist, pouted. Ryeowook just trying to held his laughter at his hyung gesture. It’s so funny seeing Sungmin tried to be dominant when he was pouting. Kyuhyun obviously shared the same opinion as his best friend, but he didn’t try to hide his chuckled.

“No.” He stated simply before ruffled the pouting man’s hair, making it messy.

“Stop it!” Sungmin whined and tried to safe his perfect hairdo.


“Sorry, Minnie. I think you should wait for another ten or fifteen minutes.” Sooyoung gave an apologetic smile to him. Sungmin made friend with the front desk lady, it turned out that she was a nice person and willingly to accompany him during his wait for Kyuhyun or Hyun-ah.

“Is there anything I could play with? I’m bored and you’re busy.” Sungmin slumped at the desk beside Sooyoung and nudged the latter waist using his index finger. Sooyoung yelped and smacked his hand off, and glared at the grinning man.

“Stop annoying me. Can’t you see I’m busy right now, Minnie? Just wait patiently. It’s not even three minutes and you can’t stop fidgeting.”

“But I’m bored.” Sungmin whined. “And even Hae is occupied. Today sure is crowded.” Sungmin sighed and put his head down to his hand and closed his eyes.

“I don’t care what you do as long as you’re not disturbing my job.” Sooyoung said.

“So cold.” Sungmin pouted. “You were nice to me when there’s not much customers. You know, I was the only one who can handle your temper.”

“I don’t have temper. And you are disturbing my job.” Sooyoung kicked his foot, but giggling at Sungmin’s accusing words. “Yes, you should wait for another 2 hours, Madam.” She still managed to answer the customers.

“Wait,” Sungmin snapped from his sleeping sit. “You put me in the waiting list, right? You didn’t forget to write down my name, right?” Sungmin got op and shoved her a little bit so he could see the waiting list.

“Sungmin, get off.” Sooyoung tried to push him away, but he was not moving and leafing through the paper to see his name. “I already put your name, okay.”

“But I can’t see it.” Sungmin was stubborn until he someone smacked his head, rather hard. It’s Sooyoung.

She grabbed the waiting list and opened the first page, “Here’s your name. Satisfied?” She glared at him. But he just nodded happily and ignored her glare. “Well, I’m not.” Then she dragged him inside. “Just play here.”

It was a billiard pool. “But I don’t know how to play.” Sungmin pouted and, again, tailing Sooyoung.

“Stop following me.” She stopped her track. “Hae and Hyuk will teach you. I need to do my job.” And she left him there with Hae, Hyuk, and their customers.

“Well, are you being honest about not knowing how to play, Minnie?” Hyuk asked, dropping his hand to his customer’s shoulder, teasing him.

“Stop teasing me and start teaching me.” He stomped his foot. “Ah, but is that okay? I mean, you two are with…” his stopped his sentence, didn’t know how to put what he meant into words.

Hae’s customer giggled, “It’s okay. You’re cute anyway. I’m Yoona, by the way.”

“And I’m… Minnie… yes, I’m Minnie.” Sungmin trailed off.

“Aww, nicknames? Are you a new host?” Hyuk’s customer asked him. “I’m Hyoyeon.”

“No, he is not. He is our customer too.” Hyuk answered.

“Well, he can be counted at Hyun-ah customer only, though.” Hae added in teasing tone. Sungmin was blushing hard and ignored both of them. He took the stick.

“So, how to do it?” He held the stick like he was holding a wooden sword in kendo position. People around him burst out laughing. “Yah! Stop laughing and help me here.” He pouted; his face red.

“Just hold it like this.” Hae finally taught him.

“So, you bend down,” Sungmin bent down and leaned to the pool, sticking his butt up in the process. “And break!” He shot the white ball. “Am I correct?” Sungmin turned around and found that the other four were looking at his butt. He blushed again.

“You got yourself a perfect ass, Minnie.” Hae complimented him. It only made him more embarrassed and hid his face behind his palm.

“Stop looking, you idiot fish.” He snarled but no one was scared or even bulged from his snarls. “And you, monkey. And you two.” He pointed out his index finger to Hae, Hyuk, and their two customers. But to his surprise not only those four who check out his butt but almost all the people near their table.

Before he could whine again, someone has dropped an arm to his shoulder and held him close. Sungmin relaxed at the touch, he knew this perfume. Kyuhyun.

“Come on, Min. Stop playing around and wasting my time.” The number one host dragged his blushing male customer and glared at everyone who checked his customer’s out, or butt.

“It’s so embarrassing.” Sungmin still hid his face behind his palm. Kyuhyun just sighed and let the older boy leaned to his shoulder.

“Who told you to play billiard? Can’t you just wait patiently before your turn?”

Sungmin didn’t reply. After five minutes of silence, Sungmin finally spoke out. “Sing.”


“Sing for me.”

“Is that an order?”

“It’s a request.” Sungmin pouted. “From your loyal fanboy and stalker.” Before added, “And your soon to be boyfriend.”

“A demanding request, I see.” He smiled slightly.

“Pleaseeee~” Sungmin pleading and gave him his puppy eyes.

“Fine. Just once, and don’t nag about this anymore, okay?” he stood up and moved towards the grand piano, tapped the pianist’s shoulder, telling him he wanted to play one song.

Sungmin sat straight, excited and couldn’t stop fidgeting.

It's the way he fills my senses
It's the perfume that he wears
I feel I'm losing my defences
To the colour of his hair
And every little piece of him is right
Just thinking about him
Takes me through the night

Every time we meet
The picture is complete
Every time we touch
The feeling is too much
He's all I ever need
To fall in love again
I knew it from the very start
He's the puzzle of my heart

It's the way he's always smiling
That makes me think he never cries
I feel I'm losing my defences
To the color of his eyes

Every time we meet
The picture is complete
Every time we touch
The feeling is too much
He's all I ever need
To fall in love again
I knew it from the very start
He's the puzzle of my heart

Sungmin’s applause was the loudest among all claps. His eyes were full of adoration and love. When Kyuhyun sat back beside him, Sungmin hugged him and worshipped him. “You are the best singer I’ve ever heard! Please stop singing! I don’t want other people to fall for you.” he talked randomly and Kyuhyun found it cute.

“But you are the one who asked me to sing in the first place.”

“Not anymore. You are not allowed to sing in front of people again. Just in front of me.” He ordered.

“Well, it’s not that I want to sing in front of people too, but okay.” Kyuhyun abided by his order and patted the smaller man head.

“Hyun-ah, is that true?” Sungmin giggled as he tried to sniff his own shirt.

“What is true?”

“That you love the perfume that I wear! And you just sing that you love my color hair!” Sungmin squealed and touched his blond hair.

“It’s in the lyrics Sungmin. Get over it.” Kyuhyun snorted and Sungmin pouted again.

“Meannie.” But Kyuhyun did love Sungmin perfume and hair color; he just didn’t like the thought of saying it out loud.

That night, Kyuhyun sent Sungmin home; he refused to let him gone by himself. “Can’t you see the customer’s gazes towards you? You will be rape when you step out of this building.”


Since that day, Kyuhyun always sent Sungmin home for his safety reason. Sungmin never rejected it, he loved it. Therefore, no argument about this matter at all.

The clock said it was 10 PM and Hyun-ah glanced towards the entrance door. He was expecting Sungmin to come at nine or maximal at nine thirty. He was never this late before.

Maybe he broke Kyuhyun thought. It’s possible since he always came here and he’s still a high school student. But before he could relate more assumption, the door burst open and there was Sungmin. Hae had hugged him and seemed to be dragging him inside the building. He narrowed his gaze, and he realized Sungmin body was trembling. He ran to them and as he reached beside the said guy, he could hear sobs.

“Sungmin, what happen?” Sooyoung asked the trembling man. Something was not right and he needed to know that. Sungmin didn’t replied, instead his grip to Hae getting tighter and his sobs getting louder.

“He almost got rape.” Hae answered for him. All eyes were at him and shocked appeared in everyone’s face. “I was just after escorted Ms. Sulli home when I heard his voice at the corner of dark alley, I couldn’t see him at first since he was ganged and when I heard his scream, I ran to the crowd and saved him in time. His shirt got ripped before could safe him, but he’s completely fine. I just think he is still in shock.”

“Min, Sungmin-ah.” Kyuhyun tried to touch his arms but the latter flinched. “It’s me, Kyuhyun. Don’t be scared.” Sungmin looked up and saw Kyuhyun looking back at him.

“Kyu..Kyuhyunn.” He sniffed and reached out to the taller man. Kyuhyun open his arms and hugged Sungmin, coaxing him to be calm.

“Sooyoung, I will go home first.” Kyuhyun was not asking for permission, he just stated the fact that he will finish his shift now. Sooyoung understood the situation and let them go.

Kyuhyun didn’t let Sungmin go as they walked back to Sungmin’s apartment. Kyuhyun held Sungmin waist in protective manners and glared at everybody who looked at them curiously.

“No one’s home?” Kyuhyun asked when they arrived. Sungmin apartment, despite being exclusively pink, had a cold feeling in it. Kyuhyun could see the family frame held up on the wall, Sungmin father was carrying him in his arms and they were laughing happily. He was curious though, why did Sungmin put their family photo when he was still a baby. Wasn’t there any photo when he was teenager with his parents?

He carried Sungmin to his couch, “Where’s your parents?”


“When will they arrive?”

“I don’t know. I live here alone. My parents live in Japan and rarely visit me here.” He clutched Kyuhyun tighter. Kyuhyun let him and he patted Sungmin head, made the smaller man leaning closer and cuddled him.

It’s two in the morning and Sungmin didn’t miss the way Kyuhyun glancing towards the clock. “Don’t leave me.” Sungmin hugged him tighter. Kyuhyun smiled and nodded.

“I was just thinking to give my sister a call, telling him I’m not going home tonight.” He responded and reached for his phone, calling his sister. “Since you know how dangerous it is, you should not come there anymore.” Kyuhyun stated after he finished his phone call with his sister. They were cuddling on Sungmin’s couch, watching the blank TV screen.

“But that was the only place I could be together with you. Just the two of us.” Sungmin shook his head and snuggled to the warm of Kyuhyun’s body.

“But it’s dangerous, Sungmin. I can’t guarantee you there will be someone who helps you if this happen again. You can always tag along with me at school; just stop going to the club again.”

But Sungmin was determined and said, “I will go there as long as you are there.”

“WILL YOU STOP IT?” Kyuhyun snapped at him and yelled. Sungmin breathed hitch and he looked scared. He started to sniff and soon he cried. Kyuhyun sighed and gently shook him back and forth. “I’m sorry.” Sungmin flinched and Kyuhyun embraced him, holding him tighter to his chest. He kept repeating soothing words until the older sleep in his arms.

Kyuhyun carried him to his room and put him down on his pink bed cover. He tugged Sungmin inside the pink blanket and kissed him goodnight before he joined him in slumber.


At school, Sungmin still glued to Kyuhyun but Kyuhyun didn’t shove him away. The taller slowly started to get used by the other company. When they seat at the corner, Ryeowook said he wanted to seat with someone else. Kyuhyun asked him but he was blushing, and that was enough an answer for Kyuhyun.

“Just make sure you introduce him to me.” Kyuhyun said as he ate his food. When Ryeowook was out of sight, Kyuhyun looked at Sungmin, “Don’t go to the club.”

Sungmin ignored him by eating his food. Knowing his stubborn friend’s behavior, Kyuhyun finally held out his hand. Sungmin looked at him in questioning look. “What?”

“Give me your phone, I’ll put my number there. If you still want to go there, I will pick you up.”


They grew from strangers, stalker, escort, friend, and now best friend. Sungmin couldn’t be happier for this result. It’s getting closer to the “boyfriend” status.

“You don’t have to go to the club today.” Kyuhyun said one day when they ate their lunch together, only the two of them since Ryeowook wanted to spend his lunch time with his crush.


“This one customer booked me for one whole night.” Kyuhyun shrugged.

Sungmin thought this was the right time to cross the line. He needed to move on, not staying in the comfort position. “Kyu, I like you. Do you like me too?”

“I like you. If I don’t, do you think I will spend my time with you now?” Kyuhyun answered it honestly.

“Not that kind of like...” Sungmin hesitated. He was actually nervous. “I mean like lovers.” And he blushed after he said the word. Kyuhyun didn’t say anything until Sungmin looked up.

“Sungmin,” he sighed, “I’m a host. You should have known it; you shouldn’t like me like that.”

“Is there any possibilities that you would like me too?” Sungmin hoped, he always hoped.

“I don’t know, Min. I never think about it.” Kyuhyun averted his gaze.

“Kyu, I need to know if this is gonna work. Because if it doesn’t, I want to move on.” Honestly, he never thought about it before, he always thought he would win in the end, that Kyuhyun would fall for him like what he did for him. Kyuhyun gave him positive responds, but it was Sungmin who started the move. If he was going to have a boyfriend, he wanted it to be someone who initiates the move. But Kyuhyun had always been an exception. It’s been months and Sungmin didn’t like the feeling of being unsure.

“Min, I’m a host.”

“I didn’t ask about your job, Kyuhyun.” Sungmin lose it, he snapped at Kyuhyun, relieving all his bottled feelings, “I was asking you if you would like me back. If there’re tiny possibilities for me to have your love. Yes, I know you are a host and I will still accept it. It’s your job.” His eyes started tearing. “Yes, I hate the fact you are a host, but I respect your choice. If I want to give up because you are a host, I would’ve done it long before, right after I know what your job is. I just need to know your feeling, Kyu. I didn’t asked you to be my boyfriend now, I didn’t asked you to marry me soon, I just need the secure feeling that after you go with those girls you will still come back to me. I was just asking is there any possibility for you to like me...? Can’t you answer me that?”

“You know what, Min? I don’t know is an answer too. It’s not always yes or no. I don’t know has a meaning too.” Kyuhyun said slowly. “I really don’t know.”

After a dead silence of five minutes, Sungmin finally calmed and spoke, “I understand. Thanks, Kyuhyun.”


That night, Kyuhyun couldn’t focus on his work. He kept spacing out and missed what his customers said. He faintly heard about Sunny complaint about his husband, but he really didn’t pay attention to it. His eyes kept glancing to the front door. He knew Sungmin wouldn’t come, but he could not help to turn his head every time Sooyoung greeted the new coming customer and hoped it was Sungmin.

“Why do you keep glancing towards the front door, Hyun-ah?” Sunny asked, a bit pissed because he ignored her whining. Kyuhyun snapped his trailed of thought and smiled to her. Sunny leaned to his shoulder.

“If only my husband like you, I would be the happiest girl.” Then she turned his head and asked, “Hey, why don’t replace my husband. Be my lover.”

“I can’t. I’m a host, Sunny.” Kyuhyun stated the fact.

“Please, Hyun-ah, everyone here knows you are. I’m not asking you without knowing it. I know it perfectly.” She snorted.

“And you know the consequences for dating a host?”

“I know.” and Sungmin’s answer echoed in Kyuhyun’s ears, Yes, I know you are a host.

“Do you love me that much?” Sunny didn’t answer but Kyuhyun could perfectly imagine what Sungmin answer would be. Yes

Sunny groaned and slumped into Kyuhyun embrace. Kyuhyun looked at her questioningly, but Sunny just gave him a weak smile. “Thanks, Hyun-ah. Thanks for helping me to realize my feeling. You are the best.” Kyuhyun patted her head.

“You’re welcome, you are the best customer too,” and thanks for helping me realize my feeling, Kyuhyun added in his mind.


Sungmin didn’t appear at the school for the next day. Kyuhyun was a bit confused; he wondered why Sungmin hadn’t appeared and clung to him. Then it hit him, he just rejected Sungmin the day before. Kyuhyun really wanted to hit himself but he did something better. He went to Sungmin class but only to found the latter absent that day.

After school he tried to visit Sungmin apartment and once again lost his track because Sungmin wasn’t there either.

He couldn’t concentrate at work when his mind was thinking about Sungmin all the time. He felt uncomfortable when there’s no Sungmin waiting for his turn to have his time escorted by Kyuhyun. He missed Sungmin.


It’s no better when the next day he still couldn’t find Sungmin in the morning. He couldn’t concentrate in the class so he looked outside the windows. His mouth opened slightly as he dozed off. One boy stumbled on his leg when he was running to the front gate.

Late comer, he snorted. But wait! That pink bag! It must be Sungmin. But was something different. His hair was dark. Kyuhyun kept watching as Sungmin bowed and apologized to the teacher, without him realizing, he smiled at the scene. He has made his decision; he will come to get Sungmin at lunch break.

But Sungmin was unpredictable. He was the one who waited for Kyuhyun outside his class right after the bell rang. Kyuhyun was just about to spring to the older class when he met him at the front door. “Come on, I’m hungry.” Sungmin dragged Kyuhyun to the cafetaria and they were waiting in line.

“Where were you yesterday?” Kyuhyun couldn’t help but asked that question.

“Nowhere.” But Kyuhyun could see the blush in Sungmin’s cheeks. “Getting over you.” He mumbled afterwards.

Seeing the older look super adorable like this, Kyuhyun couldn’t help but tease him. “Are you sure? It’s not easy to get over me. I’m irresistible.” Sungmin hit his shoulder and stuck out his tongue.

“I’m trying my best here, and surprisingly I’m doing it perfectly well.”

When they get their lunch, Sungmin was about to maneuver to his classmate’s seat but Kyuhyun held his wrist. “Where are you going?” and he dragged Sungmin to their usual seat in the corner.

That lunch break was a torture for Kyuhyun. Everybody seemed to notice Sungmin’s new hair and chose that time to compliment him, some people even flirted with him. The worst part was, Sungmin absolutely fine with it and even responded to them. He winked, said thanks, or even flirting back. Sungmin was back to the playboy Sungmin. The Sungmin Kyuhyun hated.

Kyuhyun frowned at the mass compliment and just sat there, eating his lunch in silent. Not surprisingly, Sungmin got a lot of love confessions. And surprisingly, Kyuhyun hasn’t snapped at him and lose control.

At the end of the day, one girl came to Sungmin. Kyuhyun happened to be next to him, or tagging him to be exact. “Hey, can I talk to you?”

Sungmin spontaneously said, “No problem, I know what you are going to say.” He flashed his cute smile, “I can never reject a girl’s offer, and you are cute, that’s a plus.” Then he lean to the now blushing girl, and Kyuhyun pulled him.

He glared to the girl and the said, “I’m sorry, but what are you doing to him without my consent?” The girl just wanted to reply but Sungmin beat her.

“It’s obvious that she wants my kiss.” Kyuhyun shooed the girl away before he rolled his eyes.

“She didn’t say that.” Sungmin pouted at that.

“And now she ran away. You took away my chances, Kyu.” He folded his arm on his chest and Kyuhuyn thought Sungmin was so sexy with his new dark hair.

Kyuhyun tangled his arms to Sungmin’s neck, leaned forward to his ear and whispered, “In that case, allow me to take her place.” And he kissed Sungmin on the lips.



Sungmin lay down on his bed while Kyuhyun sat beside him. After they were officially together, Kyuhyun stopped being a host and the owner didn’t stop him. He started being a lover boy over Sungmin and stopped entertaining his customer anyway.

“Come on, Kyu~” Sungmin licked Kyuhyun earlobe, made the latter shudder and groaned at the touch.

“Damn it, Sungmin. Stop seducing me!” Kyuhyun shoved him away.

“And you should stop that virgin attitude.” Sungmin groaned in frustration.

“You’re not trying to say you are saving your first time, are you?” Sungmin eyes widen.

“Trust me, I’m not. I’m saving your virgin asses here.” Kyuhyun kissed Sungmin’s forehead and tugged him to bed together with him. “Let’s sleep.”

Sungmin pulled away from Kyuhyun’s hug and grumpily turned around, his back facing Kyuhyun. Kyuhyun chuckled and hugged him from behind, didn’t let go the struggling man in him embrace.

“I want to do it, baby, but not without lube for your first time.” He kissed Sungmin neck. “We have another time. Let’s sleep for now.”

Sungmin blushed at the kiss and just nodded; surrendered.

A/N: Another oneshot.. hope you enjoy.. i always fail at making angst OTL
and the more i think about it, the more similar my fic's plot one to another.. i need something more creative.. will smut do? you know, my unnie said if something stuck on your plot, just smut it to make it right.
oh, and the Puzzle of My Heart was totally random. I was listening to my songlist and that song came up. i imagine Kyuhyun and Sungmin and since i'm too lazy to make another fic for that song, i just wrapped it in this story. =__=;

Urban Dictionary:
Host Club: A type of business in Japan(I just realize that host club is Japanese business only, i don't know if there is any host club in Korea, but let just pretend since this is a fanfiction xD) that resembles an escort service. However, the hosts are male, service is very expensive, and does not offer sex. Rather, it is more like paying an incredibly good looking guy to go on a date with you and flirt relentlessly. Kissing, cuddling, and holding hands may or may not be allowed depending on the club you go to. Host club generally cater to women, but can also entertain other men.

rating: pg, oneshot, verse: school life, verse: alternate universe, verse: host, pairing: kyuhyun/sungmin, genre: romance, genre: fluff

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