Re: my mommy said if you cant say anything nice then dont say anything at all.romance_goneSeptember 29 2005, 14:19:31 UTC
Ive got alot to say so this is gonna take awhile.
Okay well congratulations then, it seems we both managed to avoid God for a moment. But when i read your comment, seeing as to how there was no context available with it, i thought it was indeed a serious remark. And if you were serious, i would still defend my comment, but if you were joking, then its obvious my comment has no grounds left to argue with.
Okay well attack is a strong word, i was just more annoyed with the fact that constantly girls are complaining about how complicated guys can be in a relationship when majority of the time, ive always found it was the girl who complicated matters. And in reality, guys usually have the harder part of RELATIONSHIPS. Not life...relationships theres a difference.
Also the assuming, if you really wanna get technical then i could point out your assuming my intentions behind the comment, but were gonna skip assumptions because theyre unnessecarry now that weve both established the consequences they can ensue in a conversation.
" I told a friend of mine that I would meet her after school to help some of her students with a project while she put in some grades before the end of the quarter. Something came up and I couldnt make it. Sounds pretty unreliable to me. Remember, im rational and reasonable so I must be right."
No...that wouldnt mean you were right. rational and reasonable doesnt imply that your correct. Im not sure where you got that from. Here:
(1) characterizing behavior that purposefully chooses means to achieve ends
(2) characterizing preferences which are complete and transitive, and therefore can be represented by a utility function (e.g. Mas-Coleil).
(3) characterizing a thought process based on reason; sane; logical. Can be used in regard to behavior. (e.g. American Heritage Dictionary, p 1028)
(1) showing reason or sound judgment; "a sensible choice"; "a sensible person"
Re: my mommy said if you cant say anything nice then dont say anything at all.romance_goneSeptember 29 2005, 14:19:50 UTC
Also: "straight guys-yea, some guys dont care but how many guys make sure they look good for the ladies? alot."
Im not sure if that was a question, but if it was i couldnt follow it.
"they wanna make sure they look good so they can maybe get some. not only is that self absorbed but that sounds pretty shallow to me."
Okay congratulations you pointed out men can be shallow. I never said they arent. I just said your comment was shallow, if you had even meant it seriously. which you didnt, and which ive already covered. so ill continue
alright, let me explain the women are dependent on men comment. Tell me if you ever heard this.. "Oh God i need a boyfriend...ugh." I have. i hear it at least 15 times a day in class. or even from my sister at home. Hell even my mom said it.
But ive never heard. "Oh my God i need a girlfriend."
My actual intentions behind the comment were just to explain how im tired of women saying how they want a guy. But when they get one, all they do is complain. If we even want to go deeper into that comment, we can go into the fact that women talk about how they always want nice guys, but they always head for the jerks in the end. My actual tolerance with women shortens every day. because they expect to be taken care of by there boyfriends, but always choose the real dicks.
Re: my mommy said if you cant say anything nice then dont say anything at all.romance_goneSeptember 29 2005, 14:20:10 UTC
"90% of single parent families are headed by females."
Alright, that statistic, which isnt even right, is completely on-sided due to government. Ive been in two different situations in my life, where a child is given the oppertunity to live with either parent, despite the childs acknowledgement of it. The majority of that statistic is unwed mothers, which is girls who shouldnt even have children in the first place. So that basically falls under...being stupid. but you cant do the horrizantal tango without two people. So that is a fault on both sides. But also, when two parents get a divorce, the custody of the children is decided. HOWEVER, the government automatically places the children under the mothers care, unless the father takes the case to court. Therefore this fuels another large portion of the statistic. But I dont need to be told about single parent families headed by mothers, Ive lived with my mom, just me and her, for 16 years. ive got a pretty good grasp on that situation.
"dont quote me on this one but I think roughly 95.6% of women have a job"
You cant say something, or even write something for that matter and not expect to be quoted on it. Especially if your going to throw out a number like 95.6 %. Well since you seem to really wanna get technical about this topic, well start with your percentage...its wrong. Women make up 47% of the working class in america. Not...97.6...i really wanna know where you got that from.
Okay and this
"Women have jobs, women head companies(as much as I dont like her my example is Martha Stewart. she can be ugly, pretty, get arrested, and get out with probation. bottom line, shes still making millions)"
My God come on, if you dont like her as an example dont use her. You basically just contradicted this entire paragraph you wrote. You used a criminal as an example to signify women. You could have said opra, whos a great example. Or even first lady bush. Or condolezza rice. Seriously, you pointed out martha stewert as an example. Basically martha stewarts a bitch, and a horrible person, and yet she is a women, and she is looked up to by women all over the place. That was a horrible example. Im not even gonna bother to explain that. its pretty fuckin evident.
and this
" How old are you? Well, I guess it doesnt really matter because either way You need to grow up."
Come on...seriously that was just cheap and unessecarry. That sentence is a another of your contradictions.
Now dont get me wrong, im not saying AT ALL that men are better than women, were burly and tough and were obviously superior to females. I support equality. Thats not what im saying at all. And im really not even trying to say that women are in fact dependent on men to survive (excluding reproduction) So sorry if that wasnt worded completely correct. But my actual intentions of that original comment about girls being stupid, and men not, was because im tired of the complaints towards men when it comes to relationships.
Right before i posted that comment, i had talked to a friend of mine. who is a girl, who proceeded to tell me. how much she hated boys. So i asked why. Her answer was because there was 7 boys that liked her, and she didnt know which one to choose from. And how hard it was, and that boys are so stupid and unfair because they cant be more reasonable. That was the actual fuel behind my comment. And thats a perfect example of how women are selfish.
Re: my mommy said if you cant say anything nice then dont say anything at all.the_cat_squaredSeptember 29 2005, 17:39:11 UTC
I actually just read the first couple comments you and Stephen batted around, and I haven't read the last few, so maybe I missed something, but I only really had one question for you...
Does your username possibly have any bearing on your views? 'Cause it seems moderately indicative to me. Speaking as a total stranger here.
(By the way, I'm a eunuch, and it tends to be my opinion from personal experience that guys are stupid.)
Re: my mommy said if you cant say anything nice then dont say anything at all.romance_goneSeptember 29 2005, 18:19:04 UTC
alright well if your really interested read the rest or whatever. did my best to explain myself.
and actually my username has no connection to my views. I made the account three years ago, and at the time i made the username because i thought it sounded cool. So theres the background on my username.
and what does being a eunuch have to do with your opinion on the matter?
First paragraph.musicalrhapsodySeptember 29 2005, 19:08:59 UTC
"Alright, that statistic, which isnt even right..." -once again, you just say something and assume that we will think you are just automatically correct. statistics change often, ill give it that, but that percent came up most often in my research.
"is completely on-sided due to government." -yes because the government is to blame for everything
"HOWEVER, the government automatically places the children under the mothers care, unless the father takes the case to court. Therefore this fuels another large portion of the statistic" -thats why theyre statistics. you cant exactly say its weighed in one direction. if the dad fights for the kid, more power to him. if not, add a mom to the list of single mothers.
AND I QUOTE: " "dont quote me on this one but I think roughly 95.6% of women have a job"
You cant say something, or even write something for that matter and not expect to be quoted on it. Especially if your going to throw out a number like 95.6 %. Well since you seem to really wanna get technical about this topic, well start with your percentage...its wrong. Women make up 47% of the working class in america. Not...97.6...i really wanna know where you got that from."
--47% of women make up the working class, thanks for that info. That is nowhere near what I said. My quote says out of the women in America, 95.6% have a job.
"You cant say something, or even write something for that matter and not expect to be quoted on it" --When people say "dont quote me", it usually means theyre giving out a fact or figure that they are not sure if it is credible. Once again, my research gave that percentage Of The Amount Of Women That Work, NOT The Percent of Women in the Working Class.
"if you dont like her as an example dont use her." -umm what? I dont like her, woo. That means I cant use her to back up a point? "You basically just contradicted this entire paragraph you wrote." --how so? Oh, this is why:
"You used a criminal as an example to signify women. You could have said opra, whos a great example. Or even first lady bush. Or condolezza rice. Seriously, you pointed out martha stewert as an example. Basically martha stewarts a bitch, and a horrible person, and yet she is a women, and she is looked up to by women all over the place. That was a horrible example. Im not even gonna bother to explain that. its pretty fuckin evident." --Yes, women totally look up to the fact that she cheated on stocks and got caught. I mean, if I were a woman that would be the first thing I would look for in a role model. How about this? Self made millionare. Had a passion for something and was able to make money off of what she did best, fashion and cooking and decor. I dont like her, but that is quite alot to measure up to(except Oprah, who, btw, I was really thinking about replying again and mentioning, but I was too lazy)
AND Lastly! "its pretty fuckin evident" --I know you will, so check all my responses. I have yet to curse at you. Show some respect for our disagreement here and never curse at me again. All that you did right there was lessen my respect for you as an opponent in this "verbal battle" of sorts.
okay, the very last paragraph: I have so many guy friends asking me which girl to choose from. I am not disagreeing that girls do that alot. All Im saying to you is guys do it, too.
Re: my mommy said if you cant say anything nice then dont say anything at all.musicalrhapsodySeptember 29 2005, 19:02:11 UTC
rhetorical question...
yes, I pointed out most men are shallow. this ties in with the fact, however, that men do not say "I need a girlfriend". they say "I need to get laid" or some form of that comment. sounds pretty dependant to me. depending on women just for sex. shallow and dependant, fun.
girls choose the dicks because some of these "dicks"(or guys) you have oh-so-generalized yet again are actually nice. I agree alot of them are dicks. I dont give them a chance to prove they arent. Most I know of dont deserve a chance to prove they arent. The thing is, the ones I have given a chance and talked to turn out to be pretty nice. They act like dicks around certain people, but almost everyone does that. mob mentality and all goes into effect....crazy stuff.
My first reply to your long list. I am treating each one seperately. if you explain one of my replies later on in one of your other comments, dont bother pointing it out to me. Now, the responses begin:
thanks for the english lesson.
oh and all I did was what you did, all I did differently was state, "I must be right". you said your opinion straightforward and outright and you had no doubts about it. that first comment just screams, "I am right!"
Okay well congratulations then, it seems we both managed to avoid God for a moment. But when i read your comment, seeing as to how there was no context available with it, i thought it was indeed a serious remark. And if you were serious, i would still defend my comment, but if you were joking, then its obvious my comment has no grounds left to argue with.
Okay well attack is a strong word, i was just more annoyed with the fact that constantly girls are complaining about how complicated guys can be in a relationship when majority of the time, ive always found it was the girl who complicated matters. And in reality, guys usually have the harder part of RELATIONSHIPS. Not life...relationships theres a difference.
Also the assuming, if you really wanna get technical then i could point out your assuming my intentions behind the comment, but were gonna skip assumptions because theyre unnessecarry now that weve both established the consequences they can ensue in a conversation.
" I told a friend of mine that I would meet her after school to help some of her students with a project while she put in some grades before the end of the quarter. Something came up and I couldnt make it. Sounds pretty unreliable to me. Remember, im rational and reasonable so I must be right."
No...that wouldnt mean you were right. rational and reasonable doesnt imply that your correct. Im not sure where you got that from. Here:
(1) characterizing behavior that purposefully chooses means to achieve ends
(2) characterizing preferences which are complete and transitive, and therefore can be represented by a utility function (e.g. Mas-Coleil).
(3) characterizing a thought process based on reason; sane; logical. Can be used in regard to behavior. (e.g. American Heritage Dictionary, p 1028)
(1) showing reason or sound judgment; "a sensible choice"; "a sensible person"
Hope that clears it up.
"straight guys-yea, some guys dont care but how many guys make sure they look good for the ladies? alot."
Im not sure if that was a question, but if it was i couldnt follow it.
"they wanna make sure they look good so they can maybe get some. not only is that self absorbed but that sounds pretty shallow to me."
Okay congratulations you pointed out men can be shallow. I never said they arent. I just said your comment was shallow, if you had even meant it seriously. which you didnt, and which ive already covered. so ill continue
alright, let me explain the women are dependent on men comment. Tell me if you ever heard this.. "Oh God i need a boyfriend...ugh." I have. i hear it at least 15 times a day in class. or even from my sister at home. Hell even my mom said it.
But ive never heard. "Oh my God i need a girlfriend."
My actual intentions behind the comment were just to explain how im tired of women saying how they want a guy. But when they get one, all they do is complain. If we even want to go deeper into that comment, we can go into the fact that women talk about how they always want nice guys, but they always head for the jerks in the end. My actual tolerance with women shortens every day. because they expect to be taken care of by there boyfriends, but always choose the real dicks.
Alright, that statistic, which isnt even right, is completely on-sided due to government. Ive been in two different situations in my life, where a child is given the oppertunity to live with either parent, despite the childs acknowledgement of it. The majority of that statistic is unwed mothers, which is girls who shouldnt even have children in the first place. So that basically falls under...being stupid. but you cant do the horrizantal tango without two people. So that is a fault on both sides. But also, when two parents get a divorce, the custody of the children is decided. HOWEVER, the government automatically places the children under the mothers care, unless the father takes the case to court. Therefore this fuels another large portion of the statistic. But I dont need to be told about single parent families headed by mothers, Ive lived with my mom, just me and her, for 16 years. ive got a pretty good grasp on that situation.
"dont quote me on this one but I think roughly 95.6% of women have a job"
You cant say something, or even write something for that matter and not expect to be quoted on it. Especially if your going to throw out a number like 95.6 %. Well since you seem to really wanna get technical about this topic, well start with your percentage...its wrong. Women make up 47% of the working class in america. Not...97.6...i really wanna know where you got that from.
Okay and this
"Women have jobs, women head companies(as much as I dont like her my example is Martha Stewart. she can be ugly, pretty, get arrested, and get out with probation. bottom line, shes still making millions)"
My God come on, if you dont like her as an example dont use her. You basically just contradicted this entire paragraph you wrote. You used a criminal as an example to signify women. You could have said opra, whos a great example. Or even first lady bush. Or condolezza rice. Seriously, you pointed out martha stewert as an example. Basically martha stewarts a bitch, and a horrible person, and yet she is a women, and she is looked up to by women all over the place. That was a horrible example. Im not even gonna bother to explain that. its pretty fuckin evident.
and this
" How old are you? Well, I guess it doesnt really matter because either way You need to grow up."
Come on...seriously that was just cheap and unessecarry. That sentence is a another of your contradictions.
Now dont get me wrong, im not saying AT ALL that men are better than women, were burly and tough and were obviously superior to females. I support equality. Thats not what im saying at all. And im really not even trying to say that women are in fact dependent on men to survive (excluding reproduction) So sorry if that wasnt worded completely correct. But my actual intentions of that original comment about girls being stupid, and men not, was because im tired of the complaints towards men when it comes to relationships.
Right before i posted that comment, i had talked to a friend of mine. who is a girl, who proceeded to tell me. how much she hated boys. So i asked why. Her answer was because there was 7 boys that liked her, and she didnt know which one to choose from. And how hard it was, and that boys are so stupid and unfair because they cant be more reasonable. That was the actual fuel behind my comment. And thats a perfect example of how women are selfish.
Does your username possibly have any bearing on your views? 'Cause it seems moderately indicative to me. Speaking as a total stranger here.
(By the way, I'm a eunuch, and it tends to be my opinion from personal experience that guys are stupid.)
and actually my username has no connection to my views. I made the account three years ago, and at the time i made the username because i thought it sounded cool. So theres the background on my username.
and what does being a eunuch have to do with your opinion on the matter?
-once again, you just say something and assume that we will think you are just automatically correct. statistics change often, ill give it that, but that percent came up most often in my research.
"is completely on-sided due to government."
-yes because the government is to blame for everything
"HOWEVER, the government automatically places the children under the mothers care, unless the father takes the case to court. Therefore this fuels another large portion of the statistic"
-thats why theyre statistics. you cant exactly say its weighed in one direction. if the dad fights for the kid, more power to him. if not, add a mom to the list of single mothers.
" "dont quote me on this one but I think roughly 95.6% of women have a job"
You cant say something, or even write something for that matter and not expect to be quoted on it. Especially if your going to throw out a number like 95.6 %. Well since you seem to really wanna get technical about this topic, well start with your percentage...its wrong. Women make up 47% of the working class in america. Not...97.6...i really wanna know where you got that from."
--47% of women make up the working class, thanks for that info. That is nowhere near what I said. My quote says out of the women in America, 95.6% have a job.
"You cant say something, or even write something for that matter and not expect to be quoted on it"
--When people say "dont quote me", it usually means theyre giving out a fact or figure that they are not sure if it is credible. Once again, my research gave that percentage Of The Amount Of Women That Work, NOT The Percent of Women in the Working Class.
-umm what? I dont like her, woo. That means I cant use her to back up a point?
"You basically just contradicted this entire paragraph you wrote."
--how so? Oh, this is why:
"You used a criminal as an example to signify women. You could have said opra, whos a great example. Or even first lady bush. Or condolezza rice. Seriously, you pointed out martha stewert as an example. Basically martha stewarts a bitch, and a horrible person, and yet she is a women, and she is looked up to by women all over the place. That was a horrible example. Im not even gonna bother to explain that. its pretty fuckin evident."
--Yes, women totally look up to the fact that she cheated on stocks and got caught. I mean, if I were a woman that would be the first thing I would look for in a role model. How about this? Self made millionare. Had a passion for something and was able to make money off of what she did best, fashion and cooking and decor. I dont like her, but that is quite alot to measure up to(except Oprah, who, btw, I was really thinking about replying again and mentioning, but I was too lazy)
AND Lastly!
"its pretty fuckin evident"
--I know you will, so check all my responses. I have yet to curse at you. Show some respect for our disagreement here and never curse at me again. All that you did right there was lessen my respect for you as an opponent in this "verbal battle" of sorts.
I have so many guy friends asking me which girl to choose from.
I am not disagreeing that girls do that alot. All Im saying to you is guys do it, too.
yes, I pointed out most men are shallow. this ties in with the fact, however, that men do not say "I need a girlfriend". they say "I need to get laid" or some form of that comment. sounds pretty dependant to me. depending on women just for sex. shallow and dependant, fun.
girls choose the dicks because some of these "dicks"(or guys) you have oh-so-generalized yet again are actually nice. I agree alot of them are dicks. I dont give them a chance to prove they arent. Most I know of dont deserve a chance to prove they arent. The thing is, the ones I have given a chance and talked to turn out to be pretty nice. They act like dicks around certain people, but almost everyone does that. mob mentality and all goes into effect....crazy stuff.
Now, the responses begin:
thanks for the english lesson.
oh and all I did was what you did, all I did differently was state, "I must be right". you said your opinion straightforward and outright and you had no doubts about it. that first comment just screams, "I am right!"
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