Sep 10, 2006 17:54
First a brief explanation on what drove us to this. We had our first practical exam on friday and we were all determined to excel. So we practised with the dummies again and again and again until it was perfect. We should have stopped at that because our brains were fried and needed a break, but no we thought we could beat perfect.
Here is a list of dumb things some of my classmates and I have done at MUCAPS this week. I apologise to anyone who is not familiar with the oxysaver as most of these examples refer to it.
I was trying to ventilate the dummy while the mask was not attached to the hose and wondering out loud why I couldn't get a seal.
Other classmates:
Attempting to attach the soft Y sucker to the rigid yankeur sucker and wondering why it wouldn't fit. (you get better suction if you attach it to the suction tubing)
Attempting to attach the hudson mask to the closed circuit and wondering why it didn't look right.
Reverting to the old CPR compression Ventilation ratio of 15 to 2 during the exam.
Walking all the way home from class with coffee mug in hand before noticing.
Now for anyone who is reading this thinking the next batch of paramedics to be unleashed into the Melbourne community are a bunch of nuf nuf's (maybe right). I promise we're all very competent and have learned our lessons about studying till our heads go on strike.
nuf nuf