time to move on

May 09, 2007 14:35

i think that there's a pattern going on in my life that i was unaware of until now. i don't like staying in one place for a long time. not just moving around with living situations, but with my jobs too. i've had seven jobs. SEVEN JOBS! thats a lot! i'm only nineteen and i've had SEVEN jobs! real jobs too. not like babysitting or painting my neighbor's house but real punch-in/punch-out you-may-now-go-on-your-lunch jobs! camp is the exception to this rule and its really because of camp that i've had so many. i got to thinking about it, though, and i really don't thinks that it's a coinsidence that this time last year i felt the EXACT same way about safeway that i do about my job this year. and the same goes for camp last summer. all of these jobs, i've just been ready to leave. my religion teacher says that when you work just for money and not because of a passion you have for your work, it can become tedious and unfulfilling. i agree with that notion. and i think thats my problem right now. and it's funny because i was so excited about my job at the beginning of the year, and now all i want to do is quit. interesting.

anyways, this actually wasn't me ranting for once, just some insight i thought i'd share. you can all tell me i'm crazy now.

p.s. my icon is actually from the movie Boondock Saints... how did that lead you to beer again? i have no idea what fraggle rock (sp?) is. thanks for your concern, though! :D
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