
Sep 11, 2003 15:57

I'm not really picky on who adds me and who I really add back. All that I ask is that you...

(1) That you type correctly. I'm not asking to know the whole dicionary. I'm a terrible speller so I have no room to talk. I just don't want to look on my friends page and see 'LYK L0lZ d1derz u huRr ahb0UT m@rth@ n D@t b0i?!?!!?!??!!1' So use ENGLISH PLEASE.
(2) It's like a role-playing community, UPDATEEEEE! or be removed from the friends list. At least update once a week or something. I don't care if its meaningful or not, I wanna see my friends page move once in a while, thanks.
(3) Don't be the most boring person on the planet. And don't be like 'BOO HOO' all the fucking time. It gets old. It'd also help if we shared some likes.
(4) God, don't be afraid to talk to me on AIM. I'm constantly changing my AIM name so just comment and ask for the current one.
(5) You can hate Good Charlotte, Evanesence, and all those other bands I like but just don't talk about them to me and I wont talk about them to you. That pisses me off the most.
(6) I feel that my journal is place or some odd crap like that. I will speak whats on my mind in it. I will tell the truth from my point of view in it. I will state my opinion in it. And I will talk about my life in it. It's my journal. Don't like it, don't add me. Five dollars for ten icons and a layout, I think I deserve to speak my mind in it okay.
(7) Just because I wanted to end on an odd number.

Add me, THEN comment and I'll add you back as soon as I see the comment.
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