Career Change

Jun 17, 2011 13:52

I have finally-done it-handed in my notice a couple of weeks ago-my ten years at Bishop Challoner is coming to an end. Exciting. I have an interview for a funded PhD in education and technology at the Institute of Education-also still speaking to the charity Red Balloon who want to offer me a short term contract. All good news.

Also I am battlling my way through and getting sorted out-Aweber plug ins, Facebook simple connect and all. I have been chatting to @Andrew_Davis about getting the Social Media Training for teachers off the ground-it looks like this will be happening in the Autumn.

A nice man called Jay Versluis is helping me sort all that out-after I hit a brick wall with my Wordpress 'Happiness Engineer'. Half a job done there.

John S Williams recommended him-John has been providing me with some great career coaching-in the light of my impending transformation from bored teacher to Social Media Maven and PhD.

I've also applied to 'The Media Trust' for a small grant to get the 'Poetry in Wood' Blogging and Social Media project going.

It looks like this is my personal blog and is my business 'space'-it's tough sorting out your on-line identity-as I was discussing with @elaine4queen. We were saying how difficult it is to strike the right note in terms for blogs intended to have an audience-I guess you have to think who your ideal reader is really and do it that way. I've decided is a personal space for my own reflection and ideas.

I'm not 100% happy with yet but it is work in progress and will hopefully take more shape over the next few months.

In terms on video projects, nothing is really happening at the moment-but I am quite intrgued by Flickr 'sets' and how you can take hundred of pics using digital and then they almost become an animatic-don't know where that might be going though.

I'm very pleased however, that Phil Maxwell has come through his chemo and that 'From Cable Street to Brick Lane' is moving forward. If I have any spare time in the next few months I will be going out on a shoot with them!

See original post + links at

creativeeducation, careerchange, phd

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