Mar 14, 2005 07:04
Your Horoscope for March 14 , 2005
Someone will be taking personal shots at you today. Keep your emotions level and don't let anyone know you are bothered by what's going on. In the end you'll be the one who's looking good.
^that's been my whole career^
I was getting ready to write an irritated entry this morning about how I got no sleep last night due to a 90 minute battle with my contacts that I ultimatly won, as well as other various things that really piss me off when I got this random IM just a few short moments ago:
SuicideForCutie: hey
SuicideForCutie: oh man do u know where i could buy yer cd?
CKwarzone: ELectric Fetus, CD Warehouse in Dinkytown, Mindstate Distrobution
CKwarzone: btw, who is this?
SuicideForCutie: jacob
CKwarzone: what's up Jacob? I'm Chaz.
SuicideForCutie: yeah you were in mrs. desmonds class one day and you were rapping and i was like dang this is tight so i got yer xanga off of the board ... and last night i found it in my notes and i was like shit i should say hello
CKwarzone: good to hear. glad you liked it.
CKwarzone: i'm sorry you had to have desmond as a teacher
SuicideForCutie: haha yeah
It's the little ransom praises in life that make it worthwhile. I'm about to catch a cab to the airport with my iPod, J.L. Seagull, and a bag full of drugs to get me through what could possibly be one of the most unpleasant flights in my life. My cold is back, I'm sleep deprived, and I really just want to lay down in bed next to someone and freestyle about her to her heartbeat for like an hour and then sleep next to her until dusk. But, I must be traveling like the blood inside your veins back to Murderapolis, Minnesnowta.
I'm off like a prom dress.