May 22, 2006 12:04
I dont know how to even start. Things are good dont get me wrong, i have a great time doing everything i do , with everyone around me and shit , but things just suck sometimes.
I love zach to death, more than u know , but its just so hard sometime to pick up the phone when i wanna tlak to him, not just roll over and say hello to him in the morning. I was use to that and it hard for me to stop seeing him 24/7 to once every month. Its ok though, i am not saying we cant make it threw , its just going to be hard to do it someitmes. expecially when i wanna go out on a triple date with lauren and kyle and steph and lou. or anything of that nature. He is actually working for something so i cant stop him now. I love him and it would be mean of me to put him down for wanting to do something he really wants to do. I have to support him. We got into a lil tiff last night about it , and i broke down and cried. I guess the reason i am sooo upset is because how much i care for him, i have never felt the way i have right now. Its amazing. he completes me in a different way and i know i couldnt live with out him.
Everything else has been going ok. People sometimes act shady, i thought everything was over with that, but i guess some epople just dont grow up to much all at once even when u think they do. Its ok though, i am tired of going out of my way to make things better, this time around its not going to happenen like that. U have a problem with me , fine i understand but dont sit there and make it hard for people around u. I dont have a problem with people until they have somehting to say abouut me, i dont sit around and take it and allow people to talk down to me as much as they want to. Grow up sometimes. Oh well , i guess it wasnt that big of a problem b/c i was not aware of it until now. ha
I sit there and laugh though, what more can you do. I dont want to spend more time angry that i happy. shit happens, i am over it.
Haha i picked the mood bouncy b.c lauren and i heard this song on the radio and we think the girl was saying she was bouncy... haha , made me laugh what can i say ?