Dec 05, 2005 22:32
I went and saw pepper, it was soo amazing , totally worth the 3 hour drive to orlando to see them. I saw blythe and chris it was fun, i missed them. Blythe and i slept all fucking day saturday it was amazing, it was the first time i had done that in a while.
I havent talked to him.
i flushed my cell phone down the toliet at work. no i dont want to explain and yes i laughed after i paid 200 bucks for a new phone, everything has humor in it.
Lauren, steph lou and i were playing Taboo, while wasted and lauren was giving me the hints
Lauren: You put it inbetween bread
Me: An Orangutan (is that how u spell it? ) lol
and then i couldnt even give clues b/c i was laughing so hard. good times
i bought lauren food, lets say i ate a lot of her food one night.. haha