Mar 30, 2008 23:45
I fed the clothes dryers two dollars in quarters, and they no longer hate me as much as previously suspected. I guess it all comes down to your approach.
Cell phones, however, still hate me. Mine lost the ability to send and receive text messages and has yet to regain that. And this morning it decided to wake me up at 8:30, after getting to sleep around 4:00, to answer a wrong number looking for Beth. Thank you, Beth.
I have no idea what I want anymore. Other than summer. I know I want summer. And there's one other thing I want, but I don't see it happening. But I can wish, right?
The Hush Sound's new album is amazing. Go listen to it. I'll ask nicely-- please?
I still need to buy Panic!'s new one. Yes, I just used the exclamation point. OH THE CONTROVERSY.
PS: I'm jealous of all friend-listers who are going to the Honda Civic Tour. Because I am craving a Hushies show, and Panic! and Motion City Soundtrack are amazing as well. Buuut, I'm also not willing to pay $50 to sit in the back of the outdoor Pavillion in early May in New England, and only get to see the Hushies perform six or seven songs since they're the second act. Maybe next tour(s)?
My thoughts are so random right now. MY MIND IS ON SHUFFLE. Like last summer. I miss last summer. I want this summer, though. I miss everyone, and I miss having things to do that don't involve writing papers or studying or going to Target. Because, dear Manchester, being the biggest city in New Hampshire is not much of an accomplishment and does NOT mean that there is much of anything to do around here.
I need to go to bed, but I'm not tired. This weekend screwed with my sleep schedule.
There are so many other things I want to say, but I can't focus them right now. Let's just leave at this: I don't really know what I want, but I'm pretty sure I don't have it right now.
Hmmm. Wasn't that deep.
I'm not an emo kid, I promise. :O
the hush sound,