first flower ❀ action

Mar 12, 2011 22:31

[[ *WARNING: THE COMMENTS IN THIS POST CONTAIN SPOILERS. Asbel's thread, specifically, though I will update and mark when other threads contain them. ]]

[[ Backdated to sometime this afternoon. ]]

[ Some visitors to the local flower shop may notice a young, purple-haired girl wandering around in that new feather sundress. She happened to wake up in there, and upon realizing there were flowers, decided to look at them -- partially because she wanted to check to see if there was a specific kind present, and partially because they're just pretty.

Every once in a while, she'll wince, thanks to those pesky wings and the pain they're bringing her, but it's still much better than the pain she was recently going through. Admittedly, though, it's a little odd going directly from intense pain to feeling only some pain, so she's a bit wobbly and clearly unused to it. She's not really thinking much about it, though.

At least, until she wakes up fully, which is made obvious by an abrupt pause to anything she's doing at the moment. Where are her friends? They left not that long ago, and now ... she isn't where she was before. She needs to catch up to them -- how long has she spent here? They could be in danger by now.

So she looks around at the various people around her, before speaking up. ]

... Where is everyone? Asbel?

*intro post, *first flower, @martel, where's asbel, @tear, @asbel, +action, @taokaka, spoilers, !luceti

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