Name: 菊丸 英二 (Kikumaru Eiji)
Age: 17
Class: Day
Room #: 203
Clubs: Gymnastics, Book
Personality: To say Kikumaru is bouncy and/or eccentric would be the understatement of the century. When asked, his family states that the red-head was born set on 'go'. This, however, doesn't mean that Eiji is completely transparent either. The acrobat can be quite serious when the need arises (though normally he doesn't stay in this difficult state for more than an hour).
Eiji is considered one of the best friends a person can have, even through his antics. He takes friendships and betrayals very seriously, and will fight for his friends and what he thinks is right until the end (and usually after if the verdict is not to his liking).
Coming from a large family Eiji has learned to be rather selfish, though normally unless it's truly important he won't put up too big of a fight over things. Normally.
Well. Sometimes.
His 'cup is half full' attitude towards life is quite infectious, and it is said that one cannot keep a frown on their face when Eiji is nearby, his charm not allowing it.
Eiji also has a slight obsession with mystery novels and manga in general. He can constantly be seen hiding a manga or book inside a text book during class - and has gotten in trouble for it more than once. Still, Eiji persists with this, hating the fact of wasting precious time on school work.
Lastly, Kikumaru is quite a fan of being the center of attention, and when he isn't he will pull an antic simply to get everyone focused on him. He wears flashy clothes, has a stand-out-in-a-crowd hair style, and an odd manner of speaking.
Appearance: The first thing people tend to notice about Kikumaru is his... rather unruly hairstyle. Eiji hair tends to flip out to the sides more often than not - though as of late he's taken to pinning one side down with clips, leaving only one side of his locks to defy gravity. The color of his hair is also quite a sight. Though at first sight it would appear to be normal black, in the light it shimmers auburn. Eiji claims that he was born with the color - though many people insist that it must be a dye job.
Secondly people notice his eyes, a piercing deep blue that hide all of the boys emotions. One can completely read Eiji through his eyes - happiness, sadness, anger - they can all be reflected in them.
Lastly Kikumaru tends to have an interesting taste in clothing. Though one would consider what he wears stylish, it is also clear to see that Eiji picks his clothing hoping that it would stand out. He tends to favor bright colors over dull, and multi-colored outfits over single.