[Character Name] Chii
[Canon] Chobits
[Point Taken from Canon] End of chapter 54/5
[Age] She doesn’t have a real age what with being a robot and all but she has the appearance of a high school girl.
[Gender] Female
[Sexual Orientation] Hideki-sexual Heterosexual
[Eye Color] Amber
[Hair Color] White/blond
[Height] 152 cm/5 feet
[Other] It's kind of hard to to miss her robotic ears on each side (white on top, pink on the bottom)
[Clothing] She has a lot of difference dresses that she wears, but she arrived wearing
this one [Background] Chii is one of two specially made persocoms (nicknamed “Chobits”) built by robot genius Ichiro Mihara for his wife Chitose Hibiya who wanted children but couldn’t have any herself. Freya was created first, but soon became lonely after she started to fall in love with her “father”/creator, Ichiro (yes, it was just a bit awkward). Thus Chii (at that time known as Elda) was created to be a sister and friend for Freya. The two became very close and had a lot of fun together but Freya’s feelings for Ichiro still depressed her, knowing that it could never be. Then finally, the heartache was too much for her to take and she became bedridden, barley able to move. Freya’s condition continued to get worse and just when she thought she was about to finally break, Elda came to her bedside. Elda said that she was willing to take all of Freya’s memories and data and put it inside of herself. Freya resisted at first, saying she didn’t want Elda to do that because in the process Elda would lose all of her memories instead. But Elda tells her that it’s all right if she loses all her memories because she hasn’t found her special someone yet and all her original memories will live on as long as Freya remembers them. So Elda goes through with the data transfer, losing all of her original data. But before she was completely lost, she asked her “parents” to leave her somewhere far away so that she would not make the same mistake as Freya did and fall in love with their father. So they took her unconscious body out to the dumpster to wait for the one who would find her and become her special someone.
TIME SKIP BACK TO VOLUME ONE!! Now this is where our story truly begins, when Hideki, a hopeless prep school boy who could never afford his own persocom, finds Elda’s body lying in the trash (lucky for him). Hideki brings her back to his apartment where he spends hours trying to figure out just where the heck her “on” switch is. That’s when he realizes…. it’s down THERE. It takes a lot, but he finally musters up the courage to stick his finger down there and flip the switch. Doing this she finally reboots. The only problem is that she doesn’t remember or understanding anything and can only say the word “Chii”. Since that’s the only word she knows how to say, Hideki decides to be unoriginal and name her “Chii”. He then decides to actually try and figure out how to make her do “computer things”. He plugs her into the TV to find out how to set up her system only to be shown a big “No Data” display. Since Hideki is completely technologically impaired, he asks his friend Shinbo to help him out with this problem. Shinbo muses that it must mean that Chii's data has been lost, or that none has been installed yet, although he is confused on how she can function if there is no operating system (OS) installed. He tells Hideki to go visit his friend Minoru, who knows a lot more about persocoms. So Hideki goes to Minoru’s house, but Minoru has just about as much luck as Shinbo did with figuring out how Chii can function without an OS. He then throws out the theory that Chii may be a custom model, and that while her memory was wiped clean her self-teaching software was still left running. He tells Hideki that because of this, he will be able to teach her whatever he wants to and she will be able to learn it.
So skipping a little a head after Hideki has taught Chii some basic ways of life and phrases, Hideki takes Chii to a bookstore to show her around when she finds a certain children’s book that almost calls to her, titled “A City With No People”. Noticing that Chii seems to have taken a liking to it, Hideki buys the book for her as a present. The book seems to be a lot deeper than any normal children’s book, with themes like finding someone special and being different. Chii reacts in a very strange way each time she reads these books, but Hideki still keeps buying them for her, as she seems to really like them. Time skip to volume two; Chii is sitting home alone when she starts to hear a mysterious voice in her head. The voice tells her to close her eyes, and when she does she sees another persocom who looks exactly like her (the other persocom being Freya). Freya tells Chii that they are one in the same and that she has remembered all that Chii has forgotten. Chii, of course, is very confused by this as she has no idea what Freya is talking about. Freya tells her that they will now be together forever and she will be seeing Chii again. From that point on, Freya is able to talk to Chii whenever she wants, giving her advice on what to do about her “special someone”.
Now where we last left Chii off, she had been kidnapped by Yoshiyuki Kojima who had heard about her as possibly being one of the strongest and most mysterious persocoms out there and wanted to try and figure her out. He hooked her up to every computer in his possession in hopes of breaking down her firewall. After an hour he still has no luck but is delighted to see how powerful she is. He then starts groping her (in a really creepy stalker way) and starts to put his hand under her dress when she yells “No!” and
restrains him with her wires. She then sets off a very powerful blast, which breaks all the windows in the house (and alerts Hideki, who was just outside the house at the time). At this point it appears that Freya has taken over for Chii, as she speaks in a more intelligent manor and has a very out of character glare in her eye. Hideki rushes into the room to what has happened only to be extremely confused by the spectacle in front of him; a knocked out man hanging from the ceiling by wires, a spacing out persocom on one of the beds, and Chii giving him a very dark smirk. She walks over to him and asks him what is most precious to him. Hideki just stares in confusion as she takes his hand and presses it against her crotch, telling him that he is the only one allowed to come inside her. She is about to kiss him when she lets out another burst of light and collapses. A few moments later she opens her eyes, revealing that it is Chii once again. She thanks Hideki for finding her, and says she’s really happy to see him again, before falling asleep again. And that’s where her story starts in Somarium.
[Personality] Chii is pretty clueless about the world around her. She acts just like a child, constantly asking questions about things she doesn’t understand and sometimes mimicking the actions of others. Hideki has to constantly teach her about what and what not do (“We do not wear panties on our heads. Hideki told me, so I know”). She was programmed to be able to learn things, so once someone has told or taught her something, she won’t forget it. She speaks in the third person, though she has been getting better at use “I” in sentences from time to time. Chii is easily influenced by the emotions of people around her. She doesn’t like seeing people sad and will try her hardest to cheer them up and make them feel better. Overall, she is very cheerful and playful (give or take her random bouts of angst).
[Specialties/Abilities] In Chii’s universe, she’s one of the most powerful super computers in creation. Sadly, Chii isn’t even aware of how powerful she is or just what she is capable of. Though the series has given us glimpses of what she can do.
For example, her firewall is REALLY strong. Like,
crashing 4 human sized computers at once strong. So anyone who tries to hack into her data isn’t going to have much luck.
Like all persocoms, her “ears”
contain jacks and cords that can plug into computers, TVs, other persocoms, you name it. This is usually used for showing images saved on the persocom or transferring data.
And though it isn’t of much use in Somarium, Chii has the ability to find any persocom anywhere in the world, regardless of being in connection with them or not. Also, whenever she is put under a lot of emotional stress, all the persocoms in her radius will shut down until she snaps out of it. I’m not really sure if this applies to all machines, however, so for now that wont affect any other robots in Somarium.
Tying into the emotional stress thing, there is another ability she can do during that time but it was never openly explained in the manga. It has happened twice, that when someone has come really close to pressing her switch she engulfs the whole room in a white blinding light. It seems to also let off a burst of energy, since it managed to destroy the peep show she was “working” in and break all the windows in Yoshiyuki Kojima’s house. So basically, don’t try to rape Chii or else your house will be exploded.
[Affection] Chii really loves hugging people. A lot. So be warned of random glomps from time to time.
[Fighting] Why would you want to fight her?? D:
[Other Facts] Freya has the ability to take control of Chii’s body whenever she pleases since their minds are linked. However, she will only do this if Chii is in a really tight situation she can’t get out of on her own.
Also, if anyone was to have sex with Chii, her whole system would be restarted and all of her memories would be erased because that’s where her restart button is. Though Freya would probably intervene before that could happen.