"Dream" 01 | Seperation

Aug 19, 2009 14:09

((OOC: This "dream" takes place from Chii's point of view. The words in italics are Freya talking, the rest is Chii))

[Everything is dark. A faint light can be seen in the distance that seems to be getting closer and closer. The closer it gets, the more the viewer can make out the shape of a girl that looks exactly like Chii]

Chii has been taken away from Hideki again, yes?

Yes...Hideki is not here.

But it is not like last time. That man is not responsible. This is another force all together.

Chii was told Overlord took Chii to Somarium.

Somarium. That is very far away from Japan. From where Hideki is.

What will you do?

Chii will wait for Hideki to come for Chii.

It might be longer than last time. To be separated from that person. It might be painful.

...Chii can wait.

He will come. If he is the one just for Chii.


[Chii opens her eyes, not knowing everyone else saw that.]


my special someone, dream, freya, what should chii do?

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