Not that I have the time...

Feb 28, 2011 23:11

But I have totally fallen in love with Alex Cabot from Law and Order: Special Victims Unit and River Song from Dr. Who. I really did not mean to get involved with a new show let alone two new shows in the middle of a semester, but Netflix is such an enabler for fangirls! I do have a few more thinky SQUEE thoughts about my two new favorite characters under the cuts, but if anyone has any vid, fic, or meta recs for either character I would be so grateful.

Alex Cabot

For the most part, Law and Order does very little for me and I blame that on the fact that I don't particularly care for procedural dramas. So while the rest of the show does nothing for me, Alex Cabot does more than enough to make me watch the show. The thing is, though, I'm not really sure why I'm so gone on this character because the show doesn't really give the character much background information/arc. Sure, she has that kickass/competent career woman thing going on for her, but other than that it is just personality that makes the character enjoyable. Anyways, I'm not going to dwell too much on the reasons behind my love for Alex.

As far as shipping/slashing goes, I ship Alex/Olivia in fiction/fandom but not in canon (Okay, I do kind of ship in canon too). I know that the producers have said that they put the subtext in between Alex/Olivia, but it is not as easy to pick out as the Xena/Gabrielle *subtext* and that makes it a little harder to ship it.

I will admit that after watching this vid I did see the subtext, but it could be the way that the drums are combined with the Flower Duet. I love the classical version of Flower Duet, but the added music really adds a sensual dynamic to the piece.

River Song

So I will admit that even after watching S4/S5, I don't really understand all the complexities of Dr. Who cause I kind of got distracted by the awesomeness of one River Song. A few summers ago, I read the book The Time Traveler's Wife and while I love the idea of time travel and destiny/fate/circumstance, I absolutely hated that book.  Mainly, because I felt like the wife in the book had no autonomy and she was always waiting. I guess that is why I like River Song so much because she is not waiting around on the Doctor despite things that she knows about the past/present/future. I just get the feeling that despite what has been written about River's future, she makes her own future.

As much as I enjoy that she is a mysterious character, I would love to see her first meeting with the Doctor. I mean, she would probably still hold all the cards in their relationship, but I would really like to see who she is at the beginning.

On a side note, I adore that they picked Alex Kingston to be River Song because even in ER you could see that she was very capable of pulling off this sort cheeky, mischievous behavior and yet at the same time be very poignant.

alex cabot, svu, river song, alex/olivia

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