BFB is teh sick again. It's obviously me hanging out at that place with all the sick children in it five to six days a week that has done this to him. What can I say, I'm some sort of Typhoid Mary apparently. But, no worries, I'm due to get my flu shot in five days.
I also made
this lovely squash based food item for supper tonight. Garlic and cheese and garlic and lovely sweet squash. Oh yeah, and some garlic. It was easy on BFB's sore throat and garlicky enough to be smelled through a stuffed nose - perfect sickie food. I used a buttercup instead of a pumpkin because at the produce store all the pumpkins were either suffering form gigantism or gourdism and I need a "on the small side but not too small side" one. The buttercup has the same lovely large cavity in the centre when the seeds are removed as the pumpkin so it worked out beautifully. We used to do a stew baked in pumpkin dish when I still lived at home and perhaps when the Halloween madness is over and pumpkins other than the 2% outliers return to the stores I'll do that with a wicked tempeh and kale stew. It's probably more of a weekend food as it takes about two hours to bake - no eating dinner until 8:00 makes it hard to turn around and go to bed before 9:30 which I need to do because last night was laaaAAAaate and this morning was early. But dude, yum. Dorrie Greenspan, I love you.
Snuggle up tight chickadees.