I have a lot of respect for
Walter Williams on economic issues, but
he just went on record for favoring the murder of millions of innocent people:
There is no way terrorists can carry on their operations, obtain explosive materials, run terrorist training camps, raise money without the knowledge of other Muslims, whether they're government officials, bankers, family members, friends or neighbors. Because those millions of peace-loving Muslims do not speak out and expose terrorists and don't more fully cooperate with domestic and international authorities trying to stop terrorists, they become enemies of the West just as the peace-loving people in Germany, Italy and Japan became enemies of the Allied powers during World War II. Like them, Muslims should be prepared to suffer the full might of the West in its efforts to fight terrorism.
Just imagine applying this logic to all the other wars prosecuted by the state: if you don't turn in your neighbors for those pot plants in their basement, you're an enemy. If you don't call ICE on those Mexicans down the block because you suspect they're illegal, you're an enemy.
Guilt by association is the mantra of all statist warmongers to justify their murderous policies. And yet they're quick to absolve themselves of the same guilt, because their cause is just. It's sickening, and I'm deeply disappointed that such a distinguished economist as Williams has adopted this view.