Even Her Royal Highness...

Dec 05, 2012 12:07

...is pregnant. I've been trying to keep light hearted about it. For example, the Duchess' morning sickness is big news, which made me giggle and think "haha princess barf." (I even made it a hashtag on Twitter). Another good thing about it is that regardless of the baby's sex, she/he can inherit the throne, which is pretty awesome. I'm hoping for a girl. I'm also hoping the Queen lives long enough to see her royal great grandchild (?) and show her/him the ropes.

But...not only has my Facebook newsfeed been inundated with pictures (a friend is pregnant with baby #3- talk about a Christmas gift!) but now the NEWS news is full of it too. Joyful. Facebook feeds have been bugging me lately because of "the elf on the shelf" photos I am constantly seeing. I think it's a really cute idea, but I also feel like it's ANOTHER little inside joke that parents get to share with their children and us childless moms and dads aren't invited. I long for a Christmas that I get to share with a child; adults do not get the magic, or even the spirit of Christmas. On particularly down days, I've even started to feel like 'skipping' Christmas, because how could it be as good without children to tear open presents?

I shared this conundrum with by BFF (also currently without child) and she said her and hubby try to make Christmas FOR and ABOUT them. They drink too much, share naughty/sexy presents, try to surprise each other, do funny themes, etc. Last year hubby and I had a great little Christmas (we weren't married yet) and since he made me feel like a kid again with lots of surprises. This Christmas will be our first as H&W so I want to make it special. We each have a 2 week vacation for the holiday, and I want to try to make it so romantic and fun that I don't even hope for the pitter-patter of little feet in footy pajamas.

We'll see..

Happy holidays, cluckers!
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