May 04, 2007 12:25
Look who's back! That's right, little Miss Juppy got her laptop back in quick fashion and now is able to annoy you all as much as HG is! XD
In news not related to recruitment, as some of you that were in HiH with my know, I enjoy a good game, a good prank, and lots of fun. I'm in the works of bringing back some of the old favorites (which I'm told haven't quite been able to be duplicated) so you'll all have some fun creative games and contests to join. And while we don't have house points...the winners will be receiving banners made by your's truly to display on your journals to make everyone else jealous of your genius. You all would like that right? Mwahahaha
Anyway, once I get done with my finals (I'll be heading home on Tuesday) I'll start doing some contests. Maybe that'll kick everyone in the pants for wanting to join. ^_~
First up, an old favorite! Scavanger Hunt! W00t and a half people...w00t and a half!
Slytherin Genius