Title: A Day In The Life
Rating: PG
Written For:
virkatjolWritten by:
nymeria_55Notes: To Virkatjol who requested something with John and Aeryn, family and cuddling. I've even managed to throw in a reference to watching movies.... ;-)
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Comments 2
I ALSO LOVED THE DRANNIT!!!! HAHAHAHAHA And the cute explanation to John about being a late bloomer!
THis fic is everything I ADORE about FS and THEM and THANKS SO SO SOOOOOO MUCH FOR IT!!! Perfection.
..and you had a pet drannit named Yoda in it, what's not to like? :DDD Now have a sudden urge to watch Airport 77..which is not good! :O
As always a pleasure to read your stuff!
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