Mar 03, 2007 13:13
when i'm put in certain situations, it's so easy to recognize exactly how many reliable people i have in my life.
i've also realized that...some people who were not very reliable in the past have, over a period of maturation on my part and theirs, become verrrrrrrry reliable people...almost surprisingly reliable. it's just always strange to let go of old perceptions of people, but it's something that everyone should really do. people are constantly changing. you are constantly changing. old reputations are hard to bury, especially coming from a place like burbank.
i was telling nicole yesterday that if she really wanted to make a profound change in her life, she would have to do everything with a clean slate. let go of old grudges. let go of having petty hatred for other girls. let go of all the manipulation. i told her not to hate anyone. i told her to give everyone and everything a chance, as if she had never given them chances to prove themselves to her before.
if it's tough for me, it's going to be monumental for her.
...but it's a good path, i think.