Rotten day

Feb 14, 2005 22:09

Ugh, first of all... it's Valentines day! One of the worst days of the year for me, while I try and celebrate Single Appreciation Day (S.A.D.... haha what a coinceidence!) Second, I have VERY BIG issues with my math teacher.... I would love to speak to him in private and tell him what a f**ker he is. I was sooooooo close to doing that today (and yes, I have done that to teachers before, hmmm I can't remember how many though....). I will do it next time I meet him. Last but not least, I am sick. I am ill, not well... and we are going to discuss a topic some random girl is picking... in English as a discussion/debase AWWWWWWWWWW *Puppy dog face*
Haha You know Jess I only do it to piss off C.C... (initialed incase he/she/it sees the name)
That's odd, I mentioned Jess in the last two journals... probably because she is one of the only ones who reads my journals and comments about them!
(Apart from Sarah =-P)
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