
Jul 26, 2010 18:43

I had my last zapping on the 19th but had to go back on the 22nd for a skin check, luckily, I still have some and now I am finished with radiation.  Again my doctor told me how well I'd done and, again, I think all that meant was that I showed up.  The techs gave me a certificate basically saying just that "CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! You have completed all your sessions."  The nurse went over a list of things I should expect now that I was no longer coming for treatment and one of those was a sense of confusion or disappointment sort of a let down once I stopped my daily trips into the hospital.  I hope it didn't sound rude when I rather quickly said that I didn't think that would be a problem.  In fact the only problem I had was the next morning when, having stayed up till 1:30, the alarm went off at 5:30 because I had just automatically hit reset the morning before.  I have nothing medical to do for two weeks.  I am on BREAK.

Now, if there were only a break in the weather.  Today is the first day in over a week that the high temperature is below 100 but the heat index is close to it.  The current temperature is actually 14 degrees lower than it was at this time yesterday but still not conducive to yard work because at almost 6PM it is 92 in the shade.  I have so much yard work I need to catch up on.  The grass, which is getting rather brown, isn't too high because we've really had no rain since late May but the weeds are kind of out of control since I haven't done any trim work since early April.  The excessive heat is bringing the raccoons up on the porch much earlier in the evenings than usual.  The 'possums still wait until dusk or later to put in an appearance.

My fourteen year old granddaughter, the one who wishes she were god, has taking to communicating with me mainly through Facebook.  She says that email is too slow (that's because she never checks her mail).  She recently sent me a string of messages whose subject was "I've got it all planned out" in which she'd mapped out her plans for me.  Lindsay said that I need to sell my house, that they would all come up one weekend and help me clean up and pack up and I was to buy the house beside theirs since their neighbor recently died and that way I wouldn't have to be by myself all the time (I will never understand why other people see that as a negative) and all I'd have to do is look out my window every day and see her racing her golf cart around the yards.  Before I had time to answer this message a second one came in, which I guess was sort of dangling the carrot in front of the cart.  Lindsay told me that between Crewe (her town) and Farmville (an actual town) a new fabric store had just opened and it was real nice and had lovely, lovely material.  Later she sent me a third message saying "Somebody else is looking at the house.  We gotta act fast!"

It's so amusing following Lindsay's life on Facebook, especially as she's beginning to develop her feminine ways all the while knowing her shotgun is within easy reach, a shotgun that now has a pink ribbon attached to it.


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