Dec 21, 2006 21:30
A gay emo boy is staring at me as I type this. I have turned around twice to see him looking at me. I think he's gay cuz he's reading this book that has a picture of the photagrapher from "Rent" on the front. I'm pretty much creeped out by this, but he has glasses like Jason so I'm becoming increasingly amused.
The hot Filipino librarian has quit and Melinda has informed me that she has an ugly boyfriend. I want one...a hot Filipino Librarian that is.
My stepdad's dad I gues I should say that my stepgrandfather died. I don't know how to act or how to feel, sooner or later I'm going to run into my stepdad, our house isnt that big.
I've found some movies that will make me laugh.
I have also found 2 out of 4 books I should read over break. I bought one at Borders for $15 (I should say that my mom bought it). The other I got from the Library, it looks to be as old as an Egyptian Mummy. I fear that if I try to open it the pages will turn to dust. Scholars face such dangers everyday.
Jason was supposed to call me today, but he has most likely forgotten.
I love Melinda. She's the best Librarian ever.