Jan 01, 2005 12:08
ya so the last five days were freaking AWESOME!! I went with Michael, Anna, and Zach to a Christmas Conference from the 27th to the 1st. I went with Clemson's Campus Crusade for Christ. And it wasnt just clemson there were tons of other colleges there (App state included...what up megan!) There were a lot of speakers, water gun fights in the hall, singing worship songs, getting lost, card games that made you bleed, etc. Definetly made my break not so sloth-like. So michael and i drove up there, and we were already gonna be late cause he had to work that morning, but then we found out that the directions were wrong so we ended up going in circles for a long while. Luckiy we get there to see the last half of the first speaker, having to bring our luggage with us. Then we broke out into small groups that we were assigned to and talked. Went to bed in our hotel room. I roomed with anna and two other awesome girls, that we hadnt met yet named shelley and ashley. Basically the days consisted of a speaker in the morning and night talking to all the colleges in a huge auditorium, quiet times, workshops (you got to choose a topic and go to a workshop about it), another speaker, and campus times where you would just go to a room with your college and discuss. The second day was the same except we spent got in groups of three and spent 4 hours going out into local communities and delivering boxes of food and talking to them about God. People got up and shared their stories and some where amazing. The two houses i went to (each group went to two) were pretty cool too. Both very receptive. Then thursday we had a free after noon where we went bowling! i won the first game @111 and zach won the second at 142. Then there was a todd agnew condert that night. Then the friday, the talks were more directed to certain things. like the guys and girls were separated at one point (i love those girly talks). Then i went to one about eating disorders then to one about Knowing God's will for your life. And then friday night (new years), they gave us all this cool stuff like hats and blow things and we just had praise and worship time and we danced around to worship songs. Then from about 11:57 to 12:02 we prayed in small groups. then we got back up and danced. then sat. me and michael left and i slept some of the way in the car. As for me personally, i defintely grew stronger in the Lord, I have more confidence in sharing my faith and being bold, and i left knowing a lot more. IT WAS AN AWESOME WEEK!