this week

Mar 23, 2005 16:21

so this week is everyone's spring break. well everyone but me that is. since i am interning this sem. i, unfortunately do not get a spring break, but instead have to work 40 hours. but you know what?..i am actually glad. i have so many hobbies that i enjoy. but they are "by myself" kinda hobbies. like writing in my journal, writing poems or stories, reading, painting, scrapbooking, photoshopping, working on my webpage (soon to come), play guiar. And when my friends are here...its always more fun to do stuff with them. So none of that ever gets done. There are only three alone things that i would rather do than hang out with friends, and those are: in a dance studio doing ballet(lights dim, piano music playing...its great, you should try it megan), swimming laps, or IF IT IS WARM AND SUNNY OUT sit on a bench or blanket and read or write or paint. And guess what?! i have been able to do all three of those so far this spring break. Its been nice and relaxing and refreshing. Plus I have been able to spend more time with God. He is really working in me this spring break. Example: I love my two friends anna and courtney. We are so close and even relate ourselves to a cult because we never really hang out with other girls...just because we are so content with eachother. I would much rather have girl time with them than do most other things. And thats the problem, we have girl time A LOT and i think i am becoming too dependent on that time..on them...and not dependent enough on God. I had a really rought beg. of the week (some fights, some tears) and anna and cour werent here in person for me to go to. And it was hard..but with no one here, I was forced to go to God only with my problems. And it was better than anything. Earlier this sem....God allowed another person to leave my life (kinda) for a little while because i was too focused on him and not on God. And i knew this, but it was hard to change. And ever since he has been gone, my focus has def. been less on him and more on God...AND (tisk tisk) more on anna and court. So this week has really been good for my relationship with Him.
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