(no subject)

Jan 14, 2007 07:27

this may have been a stupid move on my part but i just stayed up all night.
i couldnt sleep.
i had too much on my mind.
and i have to wake up amber in a matter of 2 minutes because we have to get ready to go to church
and we have to go to church because jessie and herbie are leading worship
and i wouldnt miss that for the world.
has there ever been an individual who youve admired from afar and just wanted to get into their heart to hear what theyre passionate about?
what about people who you are more friends to them than they are to you?
what about people who you honest to god look up to and want to be just like?
have you ever just been so sick of yourself? maybe not necasaraly your heart or your mind, but more your emotions and other things?
why cant we all just love eachother?
why cant peace truely prevail?
why are people fake to others faces but nasty behind their backs?
why is satan so good at manipulating
and why do i hate the fact that i have to wake up amber and i know she might not even budge
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